You may wonder if Christians will suffer persecution for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. John the Baptist had his head chopped off. Remember, Jesus Christ was murdered by crucifixion, by the government. Next, Stephen was stoned to death as he preached how they had murdered Jesus Christ. James had his head cut off by […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Changing The Destiny Of Our Nation
The United States of America is in trouble. If you were to look at the political, economic, and spiritual landscape of the nation, all of it is headed in a downward spiral. The political scene is in shambles with crooks running things. Inflation is hurting people. The church is embracing the culture of the world […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Cooperating With The Spirit Of God In Prayer
In this message, Rev. Randall Grier shares how you can cooperate with what the Holy Spirit is wanting to do in your prayer life. There may be times when we pray and we don’t see results. That may be because of things that we don’t know. But the Holy Spirit knows all things and […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Pray And Faint Not
“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;” – Luke 18:1 Jesus warned the disciples (and us) that if we do not pray, we are going to faint. Peter had a bold declaration that he was going to follow Jesus even unto […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Victory Is Sure
If you were to look around in the world, you would think that we are in a mess and there’s no way out. You would think that the devil is winning or has already won. But God… God has not forsaken us. He has not left us. He’s still on the throne and we […]
The Church Is Responsible
Dad Hagin made us aware that years ago Rev. John Wesley said, “It seems God is limited by our prayer life—that He can do nothing for humanity unless someone asks Him.” In the book of Genesis, we find that God gave dominion over the earth to Adam. Adam, through his disobedience, gave his authority to […]
The Proper Perspective
If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I […]
How False Doctrine Occurs
“And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.” (Matthew 24:11) “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matthew 24:24) “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart […]
Recent Election And The Church
In October 22, 2008, the Spirit of God told me Mr. Obama would be elected as president. On November 3, 2008, I had a mini vision of the Lord Jesus. In this vision, He reaffirmed this, and was greatly displeased with how the people were going to vote the next day. He revealed that 1 […]
Is There Judgment In The New Testament Dispensation?
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? – 1 Peter 4:17 The Lord is tired of what is going on in His church and He is about […]
The Spirit & The Flesh
For several years Dad Hagin would just emphasize the Holy Ghost in his meetings. He did this at the direction of God. The Lord told him that there was a move of the Holy Spirit that would be lost to this generation if he didn’t start leading them back into it. So that’s what he […]
Standing In The Gap For Our Nation
And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, say unto her, Thou art the land that is not cleansed, nor rained upon in the day of indignation. There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they […]
The Lord revealed that this meeting would be a monumental meeting in the spirit. Little did we realize what would take place. On the second day, His Glory came upon us and on the third day we were saturated with His spirit. The gifts of the word of knowledge, word of wisdom, tongues and interpretation, […]
Praying For Restoration of All Things
You’re never going to have 100% participation. If you go study the mount of Transfiguration only 25% of Jesus’ disciples went on to the mount of Transfiguration and got the further revelation. There were twelve of them, but only Peter, James, and John went up with Jesus. How many of the children of Israel that […]
Informational Churches and The Most Important Thing In Life
I have never seen as much false doctrine in the church, in my entire time of being a Christian, as I am seeing right now. There’s a lot of false doctrine in the church today pulling people into error. These false doctrine churches arise and seem to explode overnight. In fact, there’s a church where […]
Authority At The Speed Of Light
And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” – Luke 10:18 Many people think that there was great conflict when Satan rose up against God in heaven. But I have news for you, there was not great conflict. The devil was a pipsqueak then and he is a pipsqueak now. […]
July Fourth – A Great Time To Pray For Our Nation
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. – 1 Timothy 2:1-2 On July 4, 1776, The United States of America declared their […]
The Lord wants to turn the captivity of this nation into a glorious outpouring of his Spirit, but He needs the cooperation of His people. It is not God’s will that we have Spiritual, political, economic, and social problems. He did not cause it. The devil did because we opened the door to him through […]
Prayer To Change Recent Laws
Many news commentators, economists, attorneys and judges were shocked and amazed at the ruling of the Supreme Court, related to, but not limited to health care. There is much more in this law than health care, but I won’t go into all those things here. Many Constitutional Attorneys stated this ruling went against the Constitution of […]
The church is in the world to get people born again and influence the culture of society with God’s Word. Most all spiritual and moral problems occur in the church when the church becomes influenced by the culture of an ungodly society. The masses of the human race or Christian world have never changed the […]
The Church And The Nation
UNITED STATES AND CHURCH AWAKE The nation has been awakened to the reality that we cannot continue on the path we have been on financially. There has been much upheaval in the political realm, as the politicians have been forced to admit that we have to change. How did we get here so quickly, seems […]
The Solution To The Problems Of The United States
Note: This blog was originally published in 2013 I realize that focusing on or praying the problems is not the way to solve them. I only mention them to identify them so a specific solution can be found. Problems: The U.S. has problems in the political, economic, social arenas and in the church. Political- We have a […]
Changing Our Nation Through Prayer
CONDITIONS THAT EXIST The condition (debt, immorality, violence and all sin) of the United States is in direct relation to the condition of the church in the United States. It is not about the Liberterians, Democrats or the Republican political parties. The church is responsible for the condition of our nation. The Gospel has been […]
Faith For Finances Part 17
One of the biggest areas in life that a Christian has problems with is in the area of finances. It seems that they devil will attack you more in that area than in any other area. That is because not only does the area of finances have to do with supporting you as an individual, […]
Solution To The Problems Of The U.S.A. And The World
There is a solution to the problems of our nation and church. There is also a solution to any problem a person may have. I don’t want to just point out problems, I also want to give a solution for them. There is a divine order in prayer. The first step is to pray for […]
Faith For Finances Part 16
One of the biggest areas in life that a Christian has problems with is in the area of finances. It seems that they devil will attack you more in that area than in any other area. That is because not only does the area of finances have to do with supporting you as an individual, […]
Faith For Finances Part 15
One of the biggest areas in life that a Christian has problems with is in the area of finances. It seems that they devil will attack you more in that area than in any other area. That is because not only does the area of finances have to do with supporting you as an individual, […]
Faith For Finances Part 14
One of the biggest areas in life that a Christian has problems with is in the area of finances. It seems that they devil will attack you more in that area than in any other area. That is because not only does the area of finances have to do with supporting you as an individual, […]
Faith For Finances Part 13
One of the biggest areas in life that a Christian has problems with is in the area of finances. It seems that they devil will attack you more in that area than in any other area. That is because not only does the area of finances have to do with supporting you as an individual, […]
Faith For Finances Part 12
One of the biggest areas in life that a Christian has problems with is in the area of finances. It seems that they devil will attack you more in that area than in any other area. That is because not only does the area of finances have to do with supporting you as an individual, […]