The nation has been awakened to the reality that we cannot continue on the path we have been on financially. There has been much upheaval in the political realm, as the politicians have been forced to admit that we have to change. How did we get here so quickly, seems to boggle the minds of many. The Lord told us about this in a vision I was given on February 21, 2008, while I was attending Winter Seminar at RHEMA. Rev. Lynette Hagin was leading us in prayer. I had a vision and saw a large demonic creature that had its arms around the presidential office of the United States. The Lord Jesus spoke to me and said,“This demon is trying to control the presidential office of the U.S. It is trying to control your present president (President George Walker Bush) and it is trying to control the outcome of the upcoming presidential election, to bring oppression to this nation. Tell my people to pray and bind this spirit and it’s operations or it will cause much havoc in your nation.” The church as a whole did not bind this spirit and we find ourselves in the condition we are in. I do not say this to accuse anyone because I failed to pray, as I should also. I ask you and the Lord to forgive me. I point this out to let you know there is still great victory for the church over this spirit that is trying to destroy our nation!
I realize politics are involved in the natural realm and men and women make decisions in our government. The problem occurs when we focus only on the natural realm, elections and political parties. Naturally speaking, we need to vote for Bible obeying men and women. People will not vote the correct way if they are under the influence of a seducing spirit though. The church of a nation has the authority to bind the influence of evil spirits and it is now a harsh reality that things cannot be repaired in this nation, unless we do so. It is not too late.
We pray to our Father God, in the name of Jesus, not the devil. We give ourselves to prayer and ask for the help of the Holy Ghost. He will show us how to pray in every situation and the words we need to say. Yes, we bind the devil in the name of Jesus and command him to take his hands off the political, economic, social and spiritual scene of our nation but we don’t spend all our prayer time doing that. We are not fighting the devil or trying to defeat him, he is already defeated. We must use the authority Jesus gave to us to enforce his defeat or he will cause us problems. I encourage you to pray along these lines and miracles will occur in our nation and the church as we stand together in prayer!
A person would have to be out of their right mind not to realize there are financial problems in this nation, naturally speaking. I want to encourage you to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ because He will supply all of your need as you sow and obey His Word. Having said that, it is a good time to seek the Lord to see if you need to make adjustments in your finances. The nation has been living beyond its means and if we don’t watch it we can do the same. Yes, we have faith, but unwise choices can affect us negatively and it won’t be the Lord’s or the devil’s fault. The Lord Jesus spoke to Kenneth E. Hagin one time and told him to lay off 17 employees at one time because financial problems were going to occur in the nation. He obeyed the Lord and wasn’t affected like others in the financial dilemma. No, don’t act out of fear, be led by the Holy Ghost and use your faith. If necessary, the Lord will send a hound dog to your door with a sack in his mouth with just what you need and desire! Trust Him! Put the Lord’s work first in your sowing and you will reap a harvest! Matthew 6:33.