Christians are called to not just be filled with the Holy Ghost, but be being filled—that’s a continual process. Many people think that it is just a one time thing, but that’s not what the Bible says. Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit and we must take advantage of that gift in […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Greatest Message On Faith
Prior to preaching, the Lord told Rev. Grier to speak on “the greatest message on faith.” The Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin in 1953 in Phoenix, AZ, and gave him the principles that anyone can take, apply, and receive anything they need from God. In this message, Rev. Grier shares these […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Persevering In Faith And Prayer
In this message, Rev. Randall Grier shares the necessity of mixing faith and perseverance with our prayers. Most prayers are not answered over night and require believers to stand in faith in the middle of circumstances that look like they are calling the Word of God a lie. There are limitations in our natural thinking […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Sticking With God
It may sound like a no-brainer that, as Christians, we need to stick with God, but it’s actually something we need to be reminded of quite often. The Bible is full of instances where various writers had to rebuke God’s people for doing things that they knew not to do. In this message, Rev. Grier […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Spiritual Law Of How To Believe God
There are natural laws that people don’t dispute. However, if you try to say there are spiritual laws, people start to doubt things. But just as God has set natural laws in motion on the earth, He has set spiritual laws in motion as well. Anyone anywhere can operate within these spiritual laws because we […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: How To Develop Fearless Faith – Part 2
The Kingdom of God operates by faith and the devil operates his kingdom with fear. The Bible tells us that the things Job greatly feared came upon him. The devil cannot do anything to you unless he can get you to accept it through fear. God the Father cannot do anything in your life that […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: How To Develop Fearless Faith – Part 1
The Kingdom of God operates by faith and the devil operates his kingdom with fear. The Bible tells us that the things Job greatly feared came upon him. The devil cannot do anything to you unless he can get you to accept it through fear. God the Father cannot do anything in your life that […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: How To Please God
The Lord desires that His people please Him. However, there are those who, although they may have good intentions, are just not doing so. The Bible tells us specific actions that we need to take to be pleasing to God. When we do this, the blessings of God will abound in our lives and work […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Faith To Make Your Dreams Come True Part 2
Many have dreams that they want to see come to pass. They go through life hoping to see their dream happen, one day. Many never realize their dreams because of this. This series will teach you what you need to know to see your dreams come to pass. It will also tell you the steps […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Faith To Make Your Dreams Come True Part 1
Many have dreams that they want to see come to pass. They go through life hoping to see their dream happen, one day. Many never realize their dreams because of this. This series will teach you what you need to know to see your dreams come to pass. It will also tell you the steps […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Faith For Finances Part 3
One of the biggest areas in life that a Christian has problems with is in the area of finances. It seems that the devil will attack you more in that area than in any other area. That is because not only does the area of finances have to do with supporting you as an […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Faith For Finances Part 2
One of the biggest areas in life that a Christian has problems with is in the area of finances. It seems that the devil will attack you more in that area than in any other area. That is because not only does the area of finances have to do with supporting you as an […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Faith For Finances Part 1
One of the biggest areas in life that a Christian has problems with is in the area of finances. It seems that the devil will attack you more in that area than in any other area. That is because not only does the area of finances have to do with supporting you as an […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Information And Revelation
Today, there are many churches that have book reports given on Sunday morning. Anybody today with any kind of training can read any book, including the Bible, and give a book report. There is a difference between information and revelation. Information will give you head knowledge. Revelation will give you heart knowledge – the kind […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Say It To Receive It
For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Developing The Proper Mindset Of A Christian
As a Christian, there is a specific mindset that we should develop – based on the Word of God. We’re told to renew our minds to the Word of God so that we can know what the Lord’s will is for our our lives. There are Christians that clearly have not done this. They walk […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: 3 Steps To Live In Success And Glory Part 2
God is working His way in the earth. This is the time to move into the Glory of God. Many people don’t understand the importance about the Glory of God and what happens when it is present. It is in the Glory of God that you find success for every area of your life. In […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: 3 Steps To Live In Success And Glory Part 1
God is working His way in the earth. This is the time to move into the Glory of God. Many people don’t understand the importance about the Glory of God and what happens when it is present. It is in the Glory of God that you find success for every area of your life. In […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Influence Of The Spiritual Realm
The last thing most people think about is the spiritual realm or spiritual world. Is this physical world influenced by spiritual realm, and if so, how much? Yes, it is! Right this second, every person on this planet is being influenced by the spiritual realm to some degree. The degree that the person is influenced is up […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Bad Company Corrupts Good Character
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” – 1 Corinthians 5:33 (NIV) Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. – 1 Corinthians 5:33 (KJV) The Bible is clear that if you hang around with people that have no morals, then you will become like them. Rev. Randall Grier knows this to be true. […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Obedience To God
Obedience always brings blessings. When we get out of the will of God, or blatantly decide to follow our own will and desires, the Lord is unable to protect us and bless us. We open ourselves up to the enemy and his attacks. However, when we follow what the Lord says to do, we put […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Overcoming Seducing Spirits
The devil is on a mission to take out the church. One way he does this is through seducing those in the church. That seduction is not an immediate deception. It’s a slow turning away from the truth. In fact, it’s so slow that most of the time, people don’t even realize it. In this […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Changing The Destiny Of Our Nation
The United States of America is in trouble. If you were to look at the political, economic, and spiritual landscape of the nation, all of it is headed in a downward spiral. The political scene is in shambles with crooks running things. Inflation is hurting people. The church is embracing the culture of the world […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Changing Things In Prayer
To change the world, we must first change ourselves. Rev. Grier was praying one day and as he started to pray for our nation’s leaders, he began to realize that he needed to pray for himself. He was not prepared to pray for others. Many people have a desire to help others and change things […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: What Direction Are You Headed
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. It’s an old saying that holds so much truth. In this message, Rev. Randall Grier shares the importance of planning to be successful in Christian life and exactly how to do it. If you’re going on a trip, you’re going to have some sort of plan […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Seeking God For More
During a time of prayer, the Lord revealed to Rev. Grier that he was not doing what the Word commanded all Christians to do. This was while Rev. Grier was seeking the Lord for more of His Spirit to be in operation in the church and in His ministry. It was during a time while […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: How To Stop The Thief In Your Life
In this throwback message, Rev. Grier explains how ever Christian has the authority to stop the thief from stealing from them. Jesus Christ has give us authority over the devil and it is up to us to use it to stop him from stealing from us. This message will encourage you to use your God-given […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Rebuke The Storm
After Jesus told His disciples to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, He fell asleep. When they woke Him up, He asked why they were so fearful. Then He asked said to them, “O ye of little faith.” In other words, “where is your faith? You could be rebuking the storms […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Things Learned About The Church From The Last Election
The last presidential election was like a mirror pointed at the church. It revealed several things about the condition of the church. Many people within the church were caught up and taken in by false prophecies and leaned upon the strength and power of many instead of trusting in the Lord and following what He […]
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