When we look at all the promises of God, we must remember that the Lord has already done the hard part. Jesus Christ died on the cross, defeated the devil, and has given us His authority. However, we have a part to play in receiving the promises of God. If we fail to do our […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Your Authority Over The Devil
One of the most important messages for the church today, if not the most important, is to know your spiritual authority in Christ. Jesus has given us authority over Satan and his schemes. However, just because He has given us that authority, that doesn’t mean that Satan is going to sit back and shut up. […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The War Between Good And Evil
It should be clear to every Christian that there is a war going on between good and evil. Satan is constantly trying to stop the plans of God in the earth. He’s constantly trying to stop the church from moving into what God has called us to do. But the Lord has given us authority […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: If You Embrace The False, You’ll Never Have The Real
It is a truth that if you embrace the false, you will never have the real. They are two contradictory things. Like night and day, black and white, you can only have one or the other. There is a false move of God going on throughout the church world. It is an imitation devised by […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Breaking The Ceilings In Your Life
For many Christians, there seems to be a ceiling in their life when they pray. They can only get so far, and no further. Sometimes it just seems that all their prayers hit the ceiling and fall back. Sometimes it’s not just prayers. It’s anything or even everything in life. There just seems to be […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Lord Is Building His Church
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. – Matthew 16:18 The Lord is building His church (His people) today. He’s not just building, but renovating the church as well. He’s rooting out, […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: It’s Time To Cross Over
Many people are waiting on God so that they can move into what He has called them to do. They are waiting on the Holy Ghost, or this to happen or that to happen. Some are waiting for the waters to part so they can cross the Jordan. God said that it’s time to stop […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Financing The Plan of God
There’s a saying that goes, “The Gospel is free, but it’s not cheap.” Yes, the Gospel message is free, but have you ever been a missionary trying to go to a foreign country to preach the Gospel? For some reason, airlines want you to pay for your ticket. Gas stations actually want you to […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: You Must Take Your Authority Over The Devil
When Jesus Christ rose from the dead, He rose with the keys of death and Hell. One thing that He gave us as believers, was the authority of His name. We have authority over demon spirits, poverty, sickness and disease – all in His name. However, that doesn’t mean all these things are just going […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The New Testament Believer
As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, there should be certain ‘trademarks’ of your life. There’s just certain things that pertain to you that don’t pertain to the world. For instance, you are spiritually alive, while the world is spiritually dead. Those in the Old Testament believed in God, followed Him, and worshipped Him […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Staying In The Middle of the Road
As a Christian, it is important to stay in the middle of the road when it comes to Bible doctrines. If you get off in the ditch on either side, you’ll start to get into trouble. There have been many instances of men and women of God, internationally known ministers, who have gotten off following […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: How To Deal With Evil Spirits
The message for the church today is that we must know our spiritual authority over the powers of darkness and exercise that authority! Many in the church already know about their authority, but don’t do anything with it. Others don’t even know if we have authority and so they can never exercise it […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Necessity Of Praying For The Nation
There is a necessity for Christians to pray for their nation, whatever nation it may be. Christians have the power, through Jesus Christ, to change their nation in the throne room of God by prayer. In this free teaching, Rev. Randall Grier focuses on the United States of America and why it is imperative that […]