Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears […]
The Spiritual Realm
I was awakened early one morning by the Lord. He said to me, “You need to study, meditate on, and preach about the realm of the Spirit until My people are more aware of the Spiritual realm than they are the physical or natural realm.” The Bible is full of supernatural, Godly and satanic experiences. […]
Respecting Our Spiritual Fathers
And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. (Genesis 26:18) The future anointing of the church is linked […]
The Age Of The Laodicean Church
In one of our recent meetings, we were all encouraged to be led by the Spirit of God. It is imperative that we as believers be led by the Holy Spirit in all that we do – in our church services and in our daily lives. It seems this is being lost to a majority […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: If You Embrace The False, You’ll Never Have The Real
It is a truth that if you embrace the false, you will never have the real. They are two contradictory things. Like night and day, black and white, you can only have one or the other. There is a false move of God going on throughout the church world. It is an imitation devised by […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Lord Is Building His Church
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. – Matthew 16:18 The Lord is building His church (His people) today. He’s not just building, but renovating the church as well. He’s rooting out, […]
Informational Churches and The Most Important Thing In Life
I have never seen as much false doctrine in the church, in my entire time of being a Christian, as I am seeing right now. There’s a lot of false doctrine in the church today pulling people into error. These false doctrine churches arise and seem to explode overnight. In fact, there’s a church where […]
Restoration Of The Church-Restoration Of The Nation
The United States has experienced much oppression in the natural and spiritual realms in the last years. The Lord has been speaking to me about restoring or rebuilding His church, which will restore our nation. There are steps the church needs to take to accomplish this. He has had me pray about this continually. This […]
REFORMATION – THE CHURCH SPLIT Kenneth E. Hagin taught me to preach for something and not against something. That is what I talked to the Lord about when He told me preach on this subject. I felt like I was being against something. The Lord Jesus Said to me, “You are to speak on this to identify what is […]