There is a necessity for Christians to pray for their nation, whatever nation it may be. Christians have the power, through Jesus Christ, to change their nation in the throne room of God by prayer. In this free teaching, Rev. Randall Grier focuses on the United States of America and why it is imperative that Christians pray for the nation and the upcoming election. If you believe that this nation will be changed by electing new officials, you are sadly mistaken. This nation must be changed in prayer. That is the only way that it will change, not by electing a new President or new congressmen. Going through the scriptures, Rev. Grier shows how to Biblically pray for our nation, and shows past instances when God had His people pray for the leaders of a nation to change that nation. The Lord Jesus Christ will hold Christians responsible for what happens in this nation because it is Christians that hold the power to change the nation, not the world. Randall Grier Ministries encourages you to download, listen, and share this message and then pray for our nation so God can have His way and America can rise to what God has for us.