The Lord revealed that this meeting would be a monumental meeting in the spirit. Little did we realize what would take place. On the second day, His Glory came upon us and on the third day we were saturated with His spirit.
The gifts of the word of knowledge, word of wisdom, tongues and interpretation, discerning of spirits and prophecy were manifested in the meeting in a great way. Why? The ministers and Christians in attendance came with a reverential worship, honor and respect for the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. There was no get me out of here quickly attitudes. The goal was simply to wait upon the Lord, with no preplanned program. The people reminded me of those who used to attend Dad Hagin’s meetings years ago, with a hunger for God. We had a meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus Revealed The Pattern
The Lord manifested His presence because we simply followed his agenda, not ours. He revealed His plan on July 16, 1987, to Dad Hagin, which resulted in the book “Plans, Purposes and Pursuits.” A reverential honor and respect for the Holy things of His Spirit is the only thing that brought Him in the meeting with us. I believe anyone can have this experience, if they do what Jesus said.
I am not educated enough to know how to draw a crowd. Remember, I graduated from the State Pen. I am not an eloquent speaker, nor do I know how to put the illustration, emphasis or video in the right place to keep the people entertained. If I did have a degree to do that, I would “Hang It On a Willow Tree” and admit that I am utterly helpless without God. To my knees I will go to find out His flow, never will I decide to do my own thing, but in His Spirit, only, will I sing.
Worst Experience Ever
The worst sense and feeling I have ever had is to find the Holy Ghost is not with me in a meeting. It is such a lonely place to discover the Lord does not approve of what I am doing and his Spirit. If you don’t know the Holy Ghost you don’t know whether He is there or not, so it doesn’t matter to you. You have learned how to have a meeting without Him and are satisfied in your ignorance. That is why I always ask in any meeting, “Where are you at in all this Lord?” I fear grieving the Holy Ghost. I would rather have the Holy Ghost on me, for 10 minutes, than to own the world with a fence around it for a lifetime.
Laughing In The Spirit
Laughing in the Spirit is always a sign of breakthrough or victory. The Spirit of God came upon me and I laughed and laughed, in the Spirit. This spiritual experience is mostly unknown, or unwanted, in many Christian circles today. Yielding to the Holy Ghost, is quickly becoming lost to those who once did, because human effort, education, and strategic planning has replaced the need for Him and considered better procedure from some great guru. To hell with it, let the devil have it, I am not going that way. That guru wouldn’t know the Holy Ghost if He came walking down the isle with a red hat on, wearing a purple cape, singing Glory Hallelujah.
The Devil On A Chain
While laughing and laughing in the Spirit the Lord said, “I have placed limits on what the devil can do through the presidential office, the congress, the supreme court, the court system, state governments, city and county government’s and in this nation. I have limited what the devil can do with his false doctrine that has swept through the church world. He has come to his end.”
I yelled out, “THE LORD HAS A CHAIN ON THE DEVIL!” I saw it as plain as day, in the Spirit, he has an end! The Lord gave me the scripture, “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.” (Psalm 2:4) The Lord and I were laughing at the devil and his diabolic schemes and plans. Why don’t you laugh too! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Scriptural Chain On The Devil
And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. (Luke 22:31-32)
*** The Lord put a chain on the devil in Peter’s life. Peter was not totally deceived and taken out of God’s plan for him. He repented and got back into the perfect will of God. The prayers of Jesus Christ put a chain on the devil and limited what he could do! This same Jesus Christ ever liveth to make intercession for us today. He has a chain on the devil! (Rom. 8:34, Heb. 7:25) That does not mean that we do not pray, we do. That places a chain on what the devil can do.
And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him: and the third day he shall rise again. (Mark 10:34)
*** Our Father placed a chain on what the devil could do to Jesus Christ. They mocked Him, beat Him, spit on Him and killed Him, but on the THIRD DAY the devils death could not hold Him, and He rose from the dead! I am telling you, THE DEVIL HAS COME TO THE END OF HIS CHAIN!