Note: This blog was originally published in 2013
I realize that focusing on or praying the problems is not the way to solve them. I only mention them to identify them so a specific solution can be found.
Problems: The U.S. has problems in the political, economic, social arenas and in the church.
Political- We have a president who does not believe in Christianity and has declared that we are no longer a Christian Nation. We have the Republican party and Democratic party who are at a stalemate in making the right decisions because it might make their party look weak or bad. The other big problem is there is no decision that can be made that will not cause more suffering for the people of the U.S.. There is no easy, simple, magic solution because we have too many problems. Solving the problems would require much sacrifice on the part of the American people and the nation.
Economic- The U.S. just hit the 15 trillion dollar debt mark, which we will never be able to repay. We do not have the ability to repay the debt and meet our normal operating expenses as a nation, without cutting out many free programs and legitimate government operations that are presently being paid by our tax money. The social security money has already been spent by the policies of the U.S. Loss of human life through abortion of millions of babies that would have paid into the system has also greatly affected the program.
Social- Our society has been on a moral and spiritual decline for about 64 years. Situational Ethics has taken the place of the Holy Bible. Situational Ethics simply says that there is no absolute right or wrong. This makes it fine to break agreements and contracts that both parties have originally decided was right. That is why divorce has skyrocketed in the nation and in the church. Many sermons are preached based on situational ethics from the pulpits of America today. The words are not used but grace makes it okay to do anything and live anyway you want and still be right with God. God is declared to understand your sin and he accepts you and does not require any change.
Riots and disturbances- The U.S. is filled with riots, protests and disturbances today. Civil disobedience is being allowed by our government. Many law enforcement officials are not allowed to make people obey the laws of the federal, state and local governments. Many in authority have declared that what is going on is fine.
Church- My heart aches for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ because that is where the solution to the problems of the U.S. will be found. The Word Of God has the answer to all the problems of the United States Of America. That is why Satan has infiltrated the church with his seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Doctrines of devils are being preached as the Word of God in some churches of the U.S. Homosexuality, lesbianism, lust, love of the world and it’s entertainment, among many other ungodly things are being declared as approved by the Bible. As goes the church in a nation, so goes the nation. The church has the ability to cause a nation to turn to or away from the Bible and our Lord Jesus Christ. When the church fails to obey the Bible, the nation will fail to obey the Bible and become ungodly. I know there is the five-fold ministry and Christians who have similar views as mine, and I am blessed by your faithfulness to what is right. Together we can make a difference in our nation through prayer, preaching the Word of God and not giving up. Deuteronomy chapter 28 will give you insight as to why we have the problems in our nation and what we can do to change it for the better.
Prayer: I was leading a prayer meeting for our nation a couple of days ago. The Holy Spirit inspired me to plead for the survival of the U.S. (Isaiah 43:26 & Rom. 8:26) I found myself pleading for America like Moses pled for Israel. (Exodus 32:7-35) God was going to destroy Israel because they had made a golden calf and were worshipping it as their god. They learned that from being in Egypt, and it represents them worshipping demons and devils instead of the true living God. Moses pleaded for them and asked the Lord not to destroy them for their sin. Moses told the Lord that the Egyptians would think He was not big enough to bring them to total victory if He destroyed them.
America- I found myself pleading for America in the same way. I reminded the Lord that He had founded this nation to evangelize the world in the last days because other nations had rejected him and His word. I reminded Him that if He allowed the U.S. to fail or be overrun by a foreign nation that the other nations would think that He wasn’t powerful enough to cause America to stand. I found myself repenting of all our sins as a nation and asking for His mercy and grace to be upon us all. With tears, I pled with our Father God to please spare our nation and pour out His mighty Holy Ghost upon us. I had a deep sense that He would revive us again as a Godly nation. I prayed and continue to pray for all in authority in our country. With tears, I prayed for godly leaders to be raised up in our nation and in the church that would bring back a respect for the Bible and our Father God.
Preaching and Teaching- While praying, the Lord told me that when someone taught the Bible without praying and seeking Him first, it was giving the people who heard information, but it would not have the anointing behind it to change their lives. It would be mental and soulical information only, and the people would mentally agree but no lasting spiritual change would occur. Jesus told me that those who pray, and preach what He tells them to would have the anointing of God that would cause His Word to penetrate the human spirit, and bring lasting change to the people who heard.
PRAYER: The only solution to the problems of our nation is found in the church through prayer to our Father God in the name of Jesus Christ. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2Chronicles 7:14)
I realize the church needs a balanced spiritual diet of God’s Word to grow, but extreme situations require extreme measures to bring things back into balance. What we should be doing right now is to preach and teach on prayer and holding prayer meetings for our nation.
Demonic Powers:
We also need to preach and teach on the authority of the believer and command the devil to take his hands off our nation, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:18-19)
I had a vision while praying and saw a foreign nation that was making plans to attack the U.S. Prayer will stop this. I don’t think it wise to say all I saw in the spirit, but I do know the church can stop this in prayer. I saw the planes fly into the Trade Towers and Pentagon nine months before it happened, and those in that prayer meeting can give witness to it. We must pray and these things will be stopped.
VICTORY IS SURE: Victory is sure for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ as they pray and exercise their God given rights! We cannot fail and over Satan we have prevailed!
I kindly request that you join me in prayer about these things, and together we will shout the victory!
Randall Grier