Many news commentators, economists, attorneys and judges were shocked and amazed at the ruling of the Supreme Court, related to, but not limited to health care. There is much more in this law than health care, but I won’t go into all those things here. Many Constitutional Attorneys stated this ruling went against the Constitution of the United States of America. The greatest shock to many of these attorneys was that Justice Roberts, a very conservative judge, voted in favor of the law, when it didn’t agree with the Constitution of the United States. It didn’t surprise me.
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. (John 16:13)
I believe the Church, according to the Bible, should be the most intelligent people group on planet earth. The Church should know what is going to happen before it happens, why it is happening, what God thinks about it happening and what the Church’s response should be to it happening. Any Christian who prays and seeks the Lord Jesus, will know what is going to happen, or the Bible is not true.
The above verse tells us that The Spirit of God will show us things to come. Another way to say it is, “He will reveal to us future events.” He reveals future events to His people so they can pray and stop them or change the total outcome.
Not real long ago, I was praying and had a vision. In the vision, I was standing in the Supreme Court of the United States. I saw a large demonic creature who was influencing the decisions that the Justices were making.
The anointing came on me and I commanded the demon to leave the Supreme Court in the name of Jesus Christ! Then the Spirit of God said to me that a man Justice and a woman Justice would be removed from the Supreme Court to stop them from hindering the plan of God. The very next day the woman Justice retired and in about six months the man Justice died.
I am convinced this was a result of the church, as a whole, praying for God’s plan to take place in our government. I was praying for the government when I had this spiritual experience. When the church does not pray, things occur in the government that should not. When the church prays, most all of these things will be stopped.
Seducing spirits cause laws to be passed that allow the murder of babies, as well as many laws that take the Bible and Jesus Christ out of our society. This should not be.
The Lord Jesus Christ revealed to me that this recent law, and other laws that take Jesus and the Bible out of our society, can be changed if His people would pray.
The Lord is encouraging us to get into His Spirit and begin to pray about future events before they happen. If you wait to pray when they happen, you have waited too long. Of course, prayer anytime will help change things in this world.
It will not turn out as bad as it seems now, but that does not mean that we do not need to pray. Jesus Christ is presently restoring His church to a place of dominion, so they will be able to spread the true gospel around the world. I am encouraged!