For several years Dad Hagin would just emphasize the Holy Ghost in his meetings. He did this at the direction of God. The Lord told him that there was a move of the Holy Spirit that would be lost to this generation if he didn’t start leading them back into it. So that’s what he did.
For years, at the direction of the Holy Spirit, he would have Holy Ghost meetings that emphasized the move of the spirit. There would be laughing in the spirit, dancing in the spirit, people falling out in the spirit. Of course, there would be dancing in the flesh, laughing in the flesh, and people falling out because they wanted to. Now this wasn’t coming from Dad Hagin, but it was happening in the crowd participation.
People wanted to belong, and wanted to enter in, but they didn’t know how to. So they just faked. They made it up. They did it in the flesh. Of course he tried to correct people, but some just wouldn’t listen.
So in these meetings you had the Holy Spirit emphasized. There was dancing in the spirit, not hopping like a kangaroo in the flesh. Not putting on leotards and getting on the platform. With that kind of thing, no wonder the auditoriums would be filled up with men. When you got girls up front dancing with tight clothes on, no wonder men would come to church. Excuse me.
Dad Hagin said all that stuff – the light shows and dancing in the flesh and all that stuff – was a bunch of bunk, junk, and hogwash. That’s all done in the flesh. Not in the spirit.
Today, most churches are so dark, you can’t even see the pages of the Bible if you want to. Sure, during worship you have the lights going around and around, shining in people’s eyes and distracting them from entering into the presence of God. You got the smoke trying to make up for the manifested presence of God that isn’t there. You know why He’s not there? Because that stuff is of the flesh. It’s not of the spirit. God will only occupy what He designs. And He hasn’t designed all these light and smoke shows. He hasn’t designed turning the lights down so the devil can hide out there where you can’t see him.
God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. The reason the devil wants the lights down is so he can hide in the congregation. And then you can’t see him. The world turns the lights down, God turns the lights on. He said in the book of Genesis, “Let there be light.” He didn’t say let there be darkness. If you want darkness, you are trying to hide. People are trying to sit in the church, filled with the devil, and hide. But the Holy Ghost wants to expose the devil and get those people born again.
When Dad Hagin had these Holy Ghost meetings, the emphasis was on the Holy Ghost, the moves of the spirit. These meetings focused, just like all of Dad Hagin’s ministry, just like I do in my ministry and every Christian should do in their life and ministry – focus on being led by the Holy Spirit. Be led by the Holy Spirit in all you do. In your life, in your church services, in everything. In church services today, where the lights are turned down and you have lights and lasers swirling around the room, that’s not of God. That’s of the world. Ask anyone who came out of the nightclub scene. They got delivered out of that kind of darkness by Jesus Christ, why would they want to go back in the church?
We must follow God in all we do. We must follow the Holy Ghost and the Word of God. The Lord is wanting us to walk in the spirit, not in the flesh. This brings results and is pleasing to God.
“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” – Galatians 5:16