And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” – Luke 10:18
Many people think that there was great conflict when Satan rose up against God in heaven. But I have news for you, there was not great conflict. The devil was a pipsqueak then and he is a pipsqueak now. When Satan rose up against God, the Lord didn’t have any of it. I’m speculating here, but God just took his little pinky finger, and thumped Satan and he fell at the speed of light. The speed of light, that’s how quick God got rid of the devil, so why are we putting up with him? If we are in Christ, and Christ is in us, we should dominate the devil, not be dominated by him. He should not dominate, he should not rule, and he should not control. Legally, scripturally Satan has been defeated. How do we know? The Bible says so!
The 70 disciples that Jesus sent out proved that you did not have to be Jesus Christ, you did not have to be the Holy Spirit, you did not have to be God the Father. All you had to be was a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and you could thump the devil. How do we know? The Bible says so. They came back and were filled with joy because even the devils obeyed them. You have authority over the devil. But if you lay down, the devil will run you over. He will take advantage of you.
But in these days, you are going to see a church that is going to rise in the power of the Holy Ghost and they are going to put the devil in his place. It’s time that we shake up this nation. I’m talking spiritually. Where are we going to start? We’re going to start in the White House. Then we’re going to move to the Congress, then to the Supreme Court, and go around thumping some devils and watching them move at the speed of light.
We have to stop putting up with this mess. Jesus didn’t put up with it, so why do we? The church should rule and reign in this nation. The church has the authority to control what goes on in our government. If we do, then why are we in a mess? It’s because the church has not been walking in their authority. They’ve been letting the devil get by with it. They’ve been blaming it on the Democrats, they’ve been blaming it on the Republicans, they’ve been blaming it on the libertarians, and some even say that they’ve been blaming it on the cemeterians. We’ve been blaming it on everybody. But no, the fault squarely lies on the church. It’s our fault. We’re the ones with the authority and we’re the ones that haven’t done anything.
You say you want revival. This is where revival begins. You can’t have a revival until you put the devil in his place. You’re not going to have revival until you know that you have authority over the devil. The first thing that Jesus did was He met the devil face-to-face and put him in his place. That’s the first thing He did. He went out into the desert, and put the devil in his place. That’s what you have to do. You have to understand your authority, and put the devil in his place or he is going to run you over. If you don’t exercise your authority over him, he will put a ceiling on your life. He will put a ceiling on your family. He will put a ceiling on your ministry, and your church. He will put a ceiling on your city, and your state, and on your nation. But once you know your authority and exercise your authority and put the devil in his place, then you can have a revival. You have the authority, the church has the authority. And you can make Satan leave at the speed of light.