John the Baptist had his head chopped off. Remember, Jesus Christ was murdered by crucifixion, by the government. Next, Stephen was stoned to death as he preached how they had murdered Jesus Christ. James had his head cut off by King Herod for preaching the gospel. Philip was beaten, thrown in prison, and then crucified for preaching Jesus. Matthew was attacked and killed with a spear and axe for preaching Jesus. Matthias was stoned and had his head cut off for preaching Jesus. Andrew, Peter’s brother, was crucified transversely on a cross for preaching Jesus. Mark’s body was dragged to pieces for preaching the gospel. Peter was crucified upside down for preaching Jesus Christ. It is said he requested to be crucified upside down because he was unworthy to be crucified right side up like his master, Jesus. Paul had his head cut off for preaching about Jesus. Jude was crucified for preaching Jesus. Bartholomew was cruelly beaten then crucified. Thomas was killed with a spear. Luke was hanged on a tree for preaching the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. Simon Zelotes was crucified for preaching the gospel. John, the beloved disciple, was boiled in oil and it did not kill him. Then he was banished to the Isle of Patmos.
He was the only one, of the original Apostles of Jesus, that did not die a violent death. Millions upon millions of other Christians have been tortured and killed for serving Jesus Christ throughout church history. That is why hell will be hot for those who do such things to God’s children. They will suffer in the eternal flames of hell forever and ever and ever.
I would like to point out, that all these violent persecutions happened in the dispensation of grace, in the New Testament era. There are those who are suffering persecution and death today because they are Christians. If the church of the United States does not repent and turn back to God, this persecution will take place on our soil. The church can hold it back, if it repents, turns to Jesus Christ and takes authority over these evil forces. The worldly church today doesn’t have the power or authority to do so. The remnant church does.
It is said that China will soon be the largest Christian nation in the world. Many of us have been praying for China, other nations and our own country for years. If it is to be the largest Christian nation, why is that? It is because persecution, poverty, oppression and other problems force them to HAVE to pray if they are going to survive. They need Jesus!
It was the same in the United States years ago. When we encountered wars and a failing economy, the nation turned to God in prayer. Now that we have a great measure of success, many don’t need God. Many will not see the importance of seeking God in prayer until problems arise.
I have had enough problems, poverty and oppression in my life in the past. That is why I pray today, because I don’t want those things to happen again. If we walk in the Spirit today we will avoid most problems tomorrow. That only happens through praying and meditating on the Word of God. It also takes crucifying the flesh and spending quality time with the Lord.
A few years ago, I was awakened by the Spirit of God. The Lord began to speak to me about our nation. I have been praying the Ephesians chapter one and three prayers for sometime. I have been praying that the Lord would show me great and mighty things which I knew not. Of course, that should be a lifestyle with all of us. In the Spirit, I saw a demonic spiritual storm hovering over the United States. I knew this storm was being held back by the prayers of the saints, temporarily. If the church quits praying, this storm of persecution would invade the nation. We have the authority. We must use it. We can turn things around in our nation and in the world.