The Evangelist, The Pastor, The Teacher The Evangelist The office of the evangelist has the ability to preach about Jesus Christ with the power of God in demonstration. This office is gifted at getting people delivered, saved, and healed. A true evangelist will be anointed in a special way with the power of God […]
The Ministry Gifts – Part 3
The Prophet A prophet is one who sees and knows things supernaturally by the Spirit of God. They are first and foremost a preacher and teacher of the Word of God. They speak from the impulse of a sudden inspiration, from the light of a sudden revelation at the moment. To stand in […]
The Ministry Gifts – Part 2
The Apostle Ministry Gifts Think Differently The ministry gifts think differently from other Christians, and other ministry gifts as well. Because of that, there is a misunderstanding of these offices and those who stand in those offices. • Apostles sometimes want to take over the whole world and get frustrated at others because they […]
The Ministry Gifts – Part 1
The Five-Fold Ministry: God’s Blueprint for a Mature Church And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, […]
The Price For The Anointing
Receiving the Lord’s anointing requires us to be in the right place at the right time. Elisha positioned himself for this by following Elijah and being present when the mantle fell. We see in 2 Kings 2:14 that Elisha struck the waters with the mantle, and they parted, signifying that he had received the anointing […]
Jesus—The Master Of Everything
Many people believe that the reason that Jesus was a success—why He was master of everything—was because He was the son of God. That’s not true. The reason Jesus Christ mastered the devil, sickness, death, and everything on earth is because He first mastered Himself. He had total mastery over His spirit, soul, and […]
The Horizon Of Time
Word From The Lord – July 31, 2022 Promise of Life Church, Mississauga, Canada Evening Service Father may we step into that place for this time and for the season that we live in today. Father, may you be glorified through it all. You may be seated. Now I stand and I look on the […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Your Name Is Written In Heaven
In Luke 10:19, Jesus said to the disciples, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” But He continued to tell them what was more important, “Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits […]
A Good Reminder About Life And Ministry
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh:and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.(Acts 2:17) The Lord Jesus Christ is endeavoring to pour out His Spirit […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Your Response To The Devil
It is a fact that the devil will bring your way temptations, thoughts, accusations, and every other thing that he possibly can. It doesn’t matter what he brings though. The important thing is your response to him when he comes. Don’t dare to remain silent when he comes. You have to put up a […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Make Ready A People
In this message, Rev. Randall Grier shares spiritual insights about the ministry of Rev. Kenneth E Hagin and the important part the ministry plays in the plan of God. The Lord called and used Rev. Hagin’s ministry in a John the Baptist-type of way – to make ready a people. That calling is not […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Valley Of Dry Bones
In this short message, Rev. Randall Grier explains what is going on in the church world and what the Lord is going to do as the church turns back to God in consecration and dedication to His will and purpose. In Ezekiel 37, the Lord shows Ezekiel a vision of very dry bones becoming a […]
How We’re Going Have The End-Time Harvest
The Lord said to me during a meeting, “You’re transitioning into a time of harvest world wide.” That was the word of the Lord that came to me. But then I got revelation behind that. That happens some times. The revelation was this: The harvest would be two-fold. Number one, it would be the precious […]
Hunger For The Glory
The enemy is trying to get us away from the very thing that will help us. In this day we are so busy trying to get our plans together. I am not against plans. But we need to get God’s plan and let Him do what He wants to do. We need to let the […]
Changing Our Nation Through Prayer
CONDITIONS THAT EXIST The condition (debt, immorality, violence and all sin) of the United States is in direct relation to the condition of the church in the United States. It is not about the Liberterians, Democrats or the Republican political parties. The church is responsible for the condition of our nation. The Gospel has been […]