And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh:and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.(Acts 2:17)
The Lord Jesus Christ is endeavoring to pour out His Spirit upon this generation. A special move of God began in the upper room at the start of the church age. There is a move of God, or outpouring of His Spirit, that is upon us today. I believe this will bring us to the end of the church age and Jesus Christ will return as He said He would in the Bible.
I believe that those who have ears to hear will hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church, in this hour, and cooperate with Him to help usher in the move of God that all of our hearts so earnestly desire. There is a move of the Spirit of God, but we can’t just jump into it. God wants to get us there, and that is why we have to follow His plans, His purposes, and pursue them. That is why the devil has worked hard to keep the church off course with false doctrine in this day.
Jesus Christ appeared to Kenneth Erwin Hagin on July 16, 1987. Jesus spoke with him and gave him revelation for the church for about two hours and fifty-three minutes. Dad Hagin published a book titled “Plans, Purposes and Pursuits” that tells what Jesus said. It would seem to me, that if this was important enough for Jesus to appear to him, it should be very important for the church to obey what Jesus said.
Jesus explained to Dad Hagin that this visitation was to help get the Body of Christ ready for this next great move of God’s Spirit upon the earth (that was over 30 years ago). The spiritual truths that Jesus shared in this visitation were just simply the springboard, so to speak, which will spring the Body of Christ into a realm of the supernatural in a way and in a place that we have barely been before. Why? Because we will be following His plans and His purposes and pursuing them!
In this visitation, Jesus told him, “This move will be lost unless the people are taught how to move with My Spirit.” We think 30 years is a long time. God doesn’t. He has been waiting on the church, all this time, to obey what He said to do.
The Lord has a plan and a purpose for every service and meeting of the church. The one in charge should take time to seek the Lord for His plan and do what He says. It is His church, not ours. A mighty revival would break out in the church if those in charge would stop what they are doing and begin to seek God in prayer for His plan, not to mention study the Bible. That is what Jesus was saying to Dad Hagin prior to the 1987 Campmeeting. That is a revelation that the Lord is still waiting on the church to embrace. (I encourage you to spend time studying Dad Hagin’s book Plans, Purposes, and Pursuit.)
I am also convinced that many good Christians are out of the will of God for their lives and ministry. Whatever you are doing for God, ask yourself, is this God’s plan for me? Ministers especially, should know that ministry is not a career, but a calling. No one should go into the ministry because they chose that career path. If they are not called by the Lord Jesus Christ, it is a waste of their time and effort. Wait on God in prayer until you know. “What if you don’t know?” you may ask.
Don’t go. It is that simple
God anoints people to finance the gospel, be business leaders, and all sorts of other things, just as He anoints others to minister the Word of God. Find what God has anointed you to do and do it.
I learned, long ago, that the closer you live your life according to the Bible, the more of God’s power you will have operating through you. The closer you follow the scriptures and the Holy Ghost in church services, and meetings – the more of God’s gifts and power will be in manifestation.
I know ministers who live just like sinners and are still preaching the gospel today. Then there’s the many thousands of those who proclaim Christ as their Lord, yet have no fruit or lifestyle to back up their words. They are all deceived by seducing spirits.
In Noah’s day every living soul rejected God but 8 people. Noah was not interested in what the people of his day desired. His focus was to please God. We are not in the world to please the people, we are here to please God. When the church, as a whole, realizes that and seeks God, things will change for the better.
I encourage you to not look at what others are doing. Don’t look at what the world is doing or what this other church is doing. You look at what the Lord wants you to do. Get His plan for your life, your church and ministry, and you do that. When you do – you’re going to be blessed and you’re going to be a major blessing. God is with us!