The enemy is trying to get us away from the very thing that will help us. In this day we are so busy trying to get our plans together. I am not against plans. But we need to get God’s plan and let Him do what He wants to do. We need to let the Holy Ghost manifest Himself and demonstrate Himself in our midsts.
One of the things that gave me such an encouragement is the revelation Jesus Christ gave to Dr. Kenneth E Hagin back in July 16, 1987. Many of you know that revelation – Plans, Purposes, & Pursuits. That was back at Campmeeting 1987. And if you were in attendance at that Campmeeting, you know what I am talking about. That meeting was filled with the Holy Ghost and the power of God. And that’s what I’m hungry for. That’s what we should all be hungry for. And I know you are. I’m contending for the faith that was once delivered to my mothers and my fathers in the faith.
And I know that there are a lot of ideas, and plans, and studies about how to do church, but God knew how to do church before any of us ever came along. Let’s just get before Him and seek Him and His plans. Just seek him until the glory falls.
If we study about the glory, and preach about the glory, and seek for God’s glory, then we can live in the glory. We can walk in the glory and have the anointing of God.
When I pray for people sometimes, it’s not common, but it happens, God has me tell people to do certain things. I had one person that God told me to have them take a step forward. I don’t know why. He just said to have them do it. I told them what to do and they did it and something was broken in the spirit by just taking that step – by just obeying God.
But we need a hunger for God – a hunger that goes beyond the normal Christian life. We need to have a desire to have more than church as usual. And you have that hunger inside of you. It’s a hunger that the only way that it is going be satisfied is if God drops the glory on top of you. You’re going to be satisfied when the glory just knocks you out and you don’t know where you are. That’s when you’ll be satisfied.
Whatever God says to do, do it. Hunger for the glory. Chase after the glory. Pray for the glory and you will see the glory fall. And with that will come revival and that is what this world needs. It needs a revival of the glory and in Jesus name, it’s coming.