In this unique message, Rev. Randall Grier shares about the authority that you have over your life – whether you live or die. Did you know that whether you remain on the earth or decide to go be with the Father is a matter that is left up to you? Yes, the Lord has […]
Are You A Fence Straddler?
There is a pull on Christians, especially ministers, to compromise and identify with the world. You can see this as the things of the world have been brought into the church to cause it to lose what makes it the church. I don’t understand why a Christian, let alone a minister, would want to identify […]
You Had To Be There
There is a great push on today within the church world to embrace technology. Technology isn’t bad, but we want to make sure that it doesn’t hinder what God wants to do. Many churches now live stream all of their services. This is a great use of technology for the Kingdom of God. For those […]
Protectors of Truth
We live in critical times that require us to do things to protect the truths of the Word of God. Above everything else, all ministerial offices, there is something all Christians are called to do, in my humble opinion, and that is to be protectors of the truth. I believe this calling is higher than […]
Operations Of The Gifts Of The Spirit
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. – 1 Corinthians 12:7 The gifts of the Spirit operate through us to profit everyone. The gifts of the Spirit should benefit those that have the manifestation, it should benefit those that hear it and see it in operation. That is […]