May I give you a kindly word of advice? Thank you. Don’t listen to those nice folks who tell you Jesus has done everything, and now you do nothing but believe that He did it. It is true Jesus Christ did His part, but if you don’t get off your rear end and do your […]
There are many in our nation, Christians included, who are arguing on social media, demonstrating, and placing blame on political leaders for all the problems going on. Shortages, high prices, limitations on our freedoms are all being blamed on this politician or that, this party or that. However, the Lord spoke to me and told […]
How Seducing Spirits Operate
Seducing Spirits are operating today in our nation on a level like never before. They are trying to hinder the plan of God in the earth and in our nation. They have gotten into churches and places that you would never have dreamed they would be able to get into. Even the pentecostal churches – […]
Stay Balanced
You need to keep a balanced perspective of the Word of God. Too often Christians get off in the ditch because they only hear and receive one side of a message instead of taking the whole teaching on it. We have this problem today in the church with the issue of grace (among other issues). […]
Protectors of Truth
We live in critical times that require us to do things to protect the truths of the Word of God. Above everything else, all ministerial offices, there is something all Christians are called to do, in my humble opinion, and that is to be protectors of the truth. I believe this calling is higher than […]