There is a pull on Christians, especially ministers, to compromise and identify with the world. You can see this as the things of the world have been brought into the church to cause it to lose what makes it the church. I don’t understand why a Christian, let alone a minister, would want to identify with the world. My thinking is that you can’t straddle the fence. Either you desire to be like Jesus Christ or be like the world. Jesus warned the church in Laodocia about this. He called them lukewarm and said He was going to puke them out of His mouth.
Is there any such thing as an unchristian Christian? Unfortunately the answer is yes. Many in the church world today could be defined as an unchristian Christian. While weeping, the Apostle Paul said about some fellow Christians, “They are the enemies of the cross of Christ.” He describes what an enemy of Christ is in Philippians 3:17-20:
Brethern be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example; For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Enemies of Christ are those who place more value on earthly things than heavenly things. They are Christians who identify more with the culture of the world than the Bible, the Holy Ghost and the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember, this is what the Holy Ghost said through the Apostle Paul.
The Holy Ghost, through the Apostle Paul, is addressing Christians in these scriptures. He is not speaking about the unsaved, but those who have confessed that Jesus Christ is their saviour.
The “glory in their shame church” has leaders or life coaches who may not be saved themselves. The leaders and the people are baptized in the secular, worldly, modern culture of society around them. It is psychology which affects the mind and has no lasting change from His Spirit.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you:depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matthew 7:22-23)
I cannot imagine doing a lot of wonderful things in the name of Jesus and being told this by Jesus Christ Himself. I never knew you, depart from me, you that work iniquity. He didn’t say they committed murder, robbery, homosexuality, same-sex marriage or things like that. He said they did many wonderful works. But what was their purpose in those works? What were their intentions? Were they looking at heavenly things or earthly things? May the Lord Jesus help us all to do what He says, how He says to do it and not be earthly minded in this day. Take the time to consider your motives and evaluate your life to make sure you’re not a fence straddler.