The Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Rev. Kenneth E Hagin and told him, “When I was on the earth, I was the power of God. If people needed power, they had to get to Me – that’s why the people thronged to touch Me. But now that the Holy Ghost is on the earth, He […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Pillow of Faith
There is a rest that comes with faith. When Jesus told his disciples to get in the boat and go to the other side, He meant it. That’s why He was sleeping when the storm came. He was in the boat asleep on a pillow, resting because He already knew what was said and what […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Love God, Obey God
There are many people that say that they love God, yet by their actions, you couldn’t tell. They would be quick to correct you if you dared to say that they didn’t love God. However, our Lord Jesus said in John 14:15, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” There is a connection between loving […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Don’t Miss The Boat
During the days of Noah, there were a lot of people that missed them boat. A LOT. Why did they miss the boat? Because they were not prepared when the storm came. There are a lot of people that die and go to hell, get trampled under the circumstances or life, and are beaten down […]
Operations Of The Gifts Of The Spirit
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. – 1 Corinthians 12:7 The gifts of the Spirit operate through us to profit everyone. The gifts of the Spirit should benefit those that have the manifestation, it should benefit those that hear it and see it in operation. That is […]