For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. – Ephesians 6:12 There’s a pressing need today for the Church to recognize and engage in the spiritual battles that surround us. The church has been too […]
Pray Now
Noah was told to enter the Ark seven days before the flood came, then God acted (Gen. 7:4). Joshua and the children of Israel were told to be silent until the seventh day while marching around Jericho, then God acted (Jos. 6:3-5). Notice that Noah’s day was judgment, and the day of Joshua was victory. […]
God’s Place Of Priority
I was ministering during a meeting not too long ago when the Lord told us that we needed to pray in the Spirit much more than we have been. When you are speaking in tongues you are speaking to God, and He understands your prayers, whether you do or not. Dad Hagin said all the […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Cooperating With The Spirit Of God In Prayer
In this message, Rev. Randall Grier shares how you can cooperate with what the Holy Spirit is wanting to do in your prayer life. There may be times when we pray and we don’t see results. That may be because of things that we don’t know. But the Holy Spirit knows all things and […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Pray And Faint Not
“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;” – Luke 18:1 Jesus warned the disciples (and us) that if we do not pray, we are going to faint. Peter had a bold declaration that he was going to follow Jesus even unto […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Victory Is Sure
If you were to look around in the world, you would think that we are in a mess and there’s no way out. You would think that the devil is winning or has already won. But God… God has not forsaken us. He has not left us. He’s still on the throne and we […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Why Sit Here Until We Die
In 2 Kings 7, we have the story of Elisha prophesying the defeat of the Syrian army after they had besieged Samaria. Then you see how it all happens. Before the army fled though, you have the story of four lepers who decided that they could just sit around and die or do something. […]
The Church Is Responsible
Dad Hagin made us aware that years ago Rev. John Wesley said, “It seems God is limited by our prayer life—that He can do nothing for humanity unless someone asks Him.” In the book of Genesis, we find that God gave dominion over the earth to Adam. Adam, through his disobedience, gave his authority to […]
Anyone sensitive to the Spirit of God has sensed His pull for us to spend more time in prayer – for ourselves, for our nation, for the plan of God. There’s a specific reason for that. Besides the issues going on in our nation, the Lord needs you and I to give Him an […]
Changing Our Nation Through Prayer
CONDITIONS THAT EXIST The condition (debt, immorality, violence and all sin) of the United States is in direct relation to the condition of the church in the United States. It is not about the Liberterians, Democrats or the Republican political parties. The church is responsible for the condition of our nation. The Gospel has been […]
Solution To The Problems Of The U.S.A. And The World
There is a solution to the problems of our nation and church. There is also a solution to any problem a person may have. I don’t want to just point out problems, I also want to give a solution for them. There is a divine order in prayer. The first step is to pray for […]
Apollo 13 was launched into space for a moon landing on April 11, 1970. There were three astronauts onboard, James A. Lovell Jr., Commander, Fred W. Haise Jr., Lunar Module Pilot and John L. Swigert Jr., Command Module Pilot. These men were soon to find out they may never return to earth, but be lost […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Necessity Of Praying For The Nation
There is a necessity for Christians to pray for their nation, whatever nation it may be. Christians have the power, through Jesus Christ, to change their nation in the throne room of God by prayer. In this free teaching, Rev. Randall Grier focuses on the United States of America and why it is imperative that […]