Prior to preaching, the Lord told Rev. Grier to speak on “the greatest message on faith.” The Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin in 1953 in Phoenix, AZ, and gave him the principles that anyone can take, apply, and receive anything they need from God. In this message, Rev. Grier shares these […]
What Jesus Emphasized Most To Dad Hagin
In 2007, the Lord spoke to me and said, “I have been trying to get My church to walk in the revelation I gave Kenneth E. Hagin in 1987.” That was 2007. Today, we are in 2024. That’s 37 years. For 37 years, Jesus had been pleading with His people to obey Him. The Lord […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Following The Holy Spirit In The Last Day Move of God
As we move into the end time move of God, it is imperative that we obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. There have been other moves of God in the past that have been put out because people decided to follow their own plans and desires, instead of what God was wanting to do. […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Preparing For Christ’s Second Coming
There are many Christians that are going about their days, their lives, as if things will always be like they are presently. That’s not true. The Lord is coming soon and as Christians – we need to be prepared. The Lord desires to pour out His Spirit on the earth in a manner that […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Greatest Revelation Concerning Faith
In this message, Rev. Randall Grier shares about the greatest revelation ever to be given to the church concerning faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Every promise of God we receive from God, we receive by faith. Salvation only comes by faith. Faith is that important. The Lord Jesus Christ appeared […]
The Church Is Responsible
Dad Hagin made us aware that years ago Rev. John Wesley said, “It seems God is limited by our prayer life—that He can do nothing for humanity unless someone asks Him.” In the book of Genesis, we find that God gave dominion over the earth to Adam. Adam, through his disobedience, gave his authority to […]
The Church In The Sight And Sound Generation
This generation has been called the sight and sound generation. The increased technologies of television, computers, game consoles, digital cameras, camcorders and visual media have brought us into this era. I was born April 5, 1954 and I am presently sixty three years old. We did not have all the electronic gadgets when I was […]
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, […]
When I had a vision on February 22, 2008, about the presidential election, the Lord gave me revelation about the present move of God in the earth. This present move of God is so Glorious that I grasp for words to try to explain what I saw in the Spirit. The Glory of God will […]
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. (John 16:13) Jesus Christ said the Holy Spirit would guide us into all truth and […]