Turbulence In The Natural – Turbulence In The Spirit There has been much turbulence in the natural realm and many have been greatly affected by what has occurred. I saw a report that said since the year 2000 there have been more natural disasters on earth than any other time in recorded history. There is […]
A New Era Began In 1947
1947 began the decline of Biblical morals and values. The Lord revealed to Rev. Randall Grier that our last presidential election actually began in 1947. The information in this message reveals what changed the social and spiritual scene of America and will give you insight on how we got where we are today. http://www.rgm.me/Podcast-RGM/Audio/A-new-era-began-in-1947/A-New-Era-Began-In-1947.mp3Podcast: Play […]