For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God; for no man understandeth him, howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. – 1 Corinthians 14:2
The Lord spoke to me and told me that His people had gotten away from praying like they should to find out His plans for their life. There are different types of prayer and one of the most beneficial types is praying in the spirit. When you begin praying in the spirit, you go into a dimension that your mind and educational abilities cannot go. You are disadvantaged as to what you can know and understand about life, your ministry or future if you just base it on natural circumstances, your past or your education. All of these are important, but there is no limit as to what you can know from God if you decide that you are going to spend time praying in the spirit. God will speak to you and He will show you things to come when you pray. Praying will strengthen you and give you wisdom so you can walk out His plan for your life.
My whole ministry has been based on a supernatural encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ and learning the importance of spending time with Him in prayer. Praying in the spirit is the way I got started in the ministry that I’m in right now. In 1987, I graduated from RHEMA Bible Training Center. When I moved back to Columbus, GA from RHEMA, I didn’t know what I was called to do. I just knew I was called and broke. They taught me that if you didn’t work, you didn’t eat. I started my own business doing carpentry work so that I would be free to go out and preach. I also got involved in a local church.
My business required that I commute back and forth from Columbia to Atlanta everyday. I was driving back one day in my 1970 model Ford truck that I had painted with a roller and a paintbrush. You see, I was a country boy and had just come back from Broken Arrow, OK and I was broke. I didn’t have the money to go down to the paint shop to get it painted. I just did what I could with the resources I had at the time, instead of complaining about what I didn’t have. I just knew that I should be in full time ministry, but I didn’t know how to do it. I was frustrated because I didn’t know what to do. Faith comes by hearing God and I hadn’t heard. I was trying to get into the ministry and I didn’t even know what it was! Faith begins where the will of God is known. The only way that I could believe God to go into the ministry that He wanted me to, and do what he wanted me to do, was to hear. Faith cometh by hearing. (Romans 10:17) So, I had to hear God. One way that you hear from God is by praying in the Holy Spirit.
God’s general will for every believer is written in the Bible, but the specific will for your life must be prayed out. It wasn’t written in the Bible, Randy Grier get out of this work truck and go into a certain ministry. If you don’t take time to hear from God in prayer you won’t know His will. You must understand the importance of praying in the Holy Spirit.
One day it was raining, so I decided that I was going to stay home from work and pray. I made an agreement with God. I said, “I’m going to stay here till I hear from heaven. If it takes me praying from Friday on through the next week, I’m going to stay here until I know what to do”. I prayed all I knew in English and that wasn’t much, about three minutes. I got on my face and started praying in the spirit.
I had been praying in the spirit about thirty or forty-five minutes, while everything in the world that I thought I needed to be doing was going through my mind. God could have given me the answer the moment my knees hit the floor, if I would have been in a position to hear him. My mind was cluttered with too many other thoughts. I just pressed on in prayer and stayed with it. After two or three hours of praying in the spirit, I broke through. Prayer became so easy and my mind got quiet. The anointing of God came on me and I began to weep and cry. The Lord said to me, “I want you to get up from where you are and leave this business that you’re in.” And He told me exactly what to do with it, He said,” Sow those contracts into another Christian man’s business for the future ministry that you’re going into. Get up and start telling people what I have done in your life.” He wanted me to walk by faith and not by sight.
God has a plan for your future and your destiny, but you’ve got to pray it out before you can walk it out. He has a plan for your life. That plan will never be fulfilled until you pray it out. You’ll never walk it out until you pray it out. When you don’t know where to go or which way to turn, get on your face and start seeking God. What happens today is that everybody wants somebody else to do their praying for them. That’s why we are not growing and developing the way we should in the Lord. It’s good to encourage one another and pray for one another, but you shouldn’t constantly be living off somebody else’s faith and prayer.
If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. – John 14:15-17
The word comforter means one called along side of you to help you. I have heard it said over the years, “I’m glad I got filled with the Holy Spirit because now the Holy spirit is going to do my praying for me.” NO! He’s not going to do the praying for you, He’s going to help you. He’s going to enable you. He’s going to give you the ability to pray out God’s mind, will and mysteries for your life. Remember, the word comforter means one called along side of you to help you. Whatever you want God to do in your life, you’ve got to pray it out first. God’s plan for you is born in the spirit of prayer, then manifested in the physical material world. God will speak to you supernaturally if you will pray.
While I was in prison, I first started learning these things. I have learned a lot more since then and that doesn’t mean I know it all presently. While praying in prison, in the spirit, the Lord would speak to me and tell me an individual’s name. He would tell me to go and tell them things that would change their lives if they would obey. There are two men in heaven now, because God told me to go and tell them to get their life right with Him, because their time here on earth was short. God gave me the boldness to do it. They both died, shortly after that, and went to heaven because the obeyed.
You can get information from the Bible, but you live information by will power alone. But when you get revelation, you get impartation that causes you to live on a level that you could not have lived on without that impartation. So, in the natural, I would not have confronted those two men. God gave me an impartation of boldness and confidence to walk out the Word because I knew what the Word of God was. He abides in you, He’s inside you and you have to stir Him up!
I’m talking about supernatural Christianity. I’m talking about where God will come and show you what to do in every area of your life. I mean the Holy Spirit lives inside of you to help you. He’s one called along side to help. He will help you fulfill His will for your life.
God has a plan for your life, and He will supernaturally meet your needs. The Holy Spirit knows your future and He knows about everybody around you. The Holy Spirit is constantly seeking and searching for somebody who will yield themselves to Him and allow Him to show them things.
Continued Next Time.