In this message, Rev. Randall Grier teaches on the importance of speaking your faith when it comes to healing. If we believe we will speak, but what are we speaking? What you say is one part of determining what you will receive. If you say the wrong things, you’re going to get the wrong […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Remove The Ceilings From Your Life
There are times in our lives where we may feel like our prayers aren’t getting any higher than our head. Sometimes we my feel like we’re just running in circles. It could be because the devil has put a ceiling in our lives and we don’t even know it. In this message, Rev. Randall […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: Acting On God’s Word
There are so many Christians that know the Word of God like the back of their hand. But just knowing the Word of God is not going to make it come to pass in your life. If you don’t put faith to it and act on the Word, nothing is going to happen. And […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: God’s Plans And Purposes
God has specific plans and purposes for the church today. He also has specific plans and purposes for every church and ministry and even every individual. Until we take the time to seek Him and find out what those plans are, we will never be a total success in God. We may do good […]
FREE DOWNLOAD: How To Receive A Miracle
There are many Christians hoping that God will heal them or answer their prayers for a miracle. But the Lord has set principles in His Word on how His people can receive a miracle anytime and anywhere. It doesn’t come by hope, but by faith.In this message, Rev. Randall Grier shares biblical principles – […]