If you look around at the church world, you’ll notice that it seems that it is in disarray. It seems that more than any other time in history, the church has been at odds with itself. Some believe that homosexuality is of God, some do not. Some believe that you have to ask for forgiveness of your sins after salvation, some do not. Some believe that you should follow the Holy Ghost, some think that the newest book by a popular preacher or businessman will do just fine.
If you want the honest truth – If we don’t put standards up now on Biblical truths and not back up from them, there’s not going to be any standards in the church. As goes the church, so goes the nation. And the reason our nation is in the condition it is today, is because the church is in the condition that it is in. The world in a sense is a reflection of the church.
That is what is going on. People are not taking a stand. People that you would never have dreamed would proclaim certain things – who were raised in a Christian home, who had Holy Ghost pastors, who had Holy Ghost parents, who were raised on the Word of God – are now declaring that the Bible is not true.
Now they don’t say it that way, but the things that they do say contradict God’s Word. You cannot contradict God’s Word and you must contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. You can’t just toss aside the Bible, because you don’t like what it says, and still expect God to bless whatever you are doing. Yet that’s what many people, preachers included, have done. They have neglected the Word of God.
In fact, if you want to see why everything is going on in our nation and in the world like it is, all you have to do is turn to Deuteronomy chapter 28. Now I know Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, but if you’re not in Christ there is a curse out there.
If you walk away from Christ, and you walk away from the Word of God, you open yourself up to the curse. And if you look in Deuteronomy 28 you will see what God said would happen to the children of Israel if they turned their back on God.
God also talked about the blessing side, and thank God for the blessing side. We all preach the blessings. But there is a curse as well. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, but we have to be in Christ to be redeemed.
Yes, we love people, we reach out to people, but we also tell them the truth. Yes, we tell the sinner that God loves them, that Christ died for them. There is a time to do that. There’s a time to tell them that God loves them. There’s a time to tell them that God has forgiven them.
But if you have Christians in the church who say that it’s okay – that we can live in our sins and that the Bible doesn’t mean what it says, then you tell them the truth. You confront the sin. You confront the false doctrine. Because if you don’t tell them the truth, then they will continue to spread that teaching and it will get into the churches and infect the Body of Christ like it has done.
And that is the reason that our nation is in the condition that it is in. Because we have had this thing going on in the body of Christ. That’s not the only reason, but it is a major reason. Remember, as goes the church so goes the nation. I urge you to pray for our nation, pray for the church, pray for the leaders. Pray for those who will stand up for the truth and won’t back down to come to the forefront, to have a loud voice to speak into this generation. And remember, God is with you!