We can look back on our spiritual journey and realize how we held on to our thoughts or plans more than we should. Some people are planners and will not change or move from their own plans, regardless of what the Lord is trying to tell them. Human planning may cause blessings to a degree, but God’s plans keeps us from hardships that we do not realize.
God doesn’t have a chance to lead some people in their lives until their plans fail miserably. Then they finally turn to the Lord in desperation. When we decide to give Him permission to have control of our lives, He will lead and guide us. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your way, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9)
God knows what we need to do, and don’t need to do. You cannot make plans or design events without God’s approval, if you want God’s best for your life. His ways are not always your ways, but His plans are always the best.
I know many single people have plans or ideas on how to pick their marriage partner. Most young people get consumed with getting married. Marriage becomes an idol in their lives because it becomes more important than God or His Word. You have to come to the end of your plans and get God’s plans. You must get to a place that you can give your life to God – totally. God’s plans are the best.
The name Jacob means “surplanter.” Jacob had to come to the end of his plans for Gods’ plans to take place. For twenty-one years Jacob was fighting, struggling and wandering around until he came to the end of his plans. God had better plans for Jacob. Some people are very slow or blinded when it comes to seeing that God’s plans are better.
God plans are far beyond anything we could dream or think of. God never intended for us to be ordinary or complacent. There is a place in God where there is security and peace that the world does not know. There is good, better and best. God’s plans are always best for you. We should choose to follow God’s plans and not our own plans. God is with us!