The Lord Jesus Christ wants us to get back to having extended meetings. These kind of meetings create an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit can move and things happen. Dad Hagin used to have these kind of meetings all the time. He used to say that things really didn’t start happening until the third or fourth week into the meeting.
I had one of these meetings a few years back. It lasted three weeks with 42 different services, and what the Lord did during these meetings was wonderful. People were set free, healed, delivered, rededicated their lives, filled with the Spirit, and changed. Neither the pastor, nor myself planned any of this. Jesus Christ told me to have the meetings and that He would teach the people, and me, many things and He truly did! You have to be led by the Spirit of God in all that you do.
Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. – Psalm 127:1
The Lord Jesus Christ has a plan for every meeting He ordains. In this meeting, He led us in the format of praise and worship for about ten to fifteen minutes and then I would minister. Usually, I spoke about an hour and many times didn’t know a word I was going to say before I stood in the pulpit. I prepared myself, not a message. The people would sit there amazed at the Words of Wisdom, Words of Knowledge and prophecy that flowed through me as I yielded to the Holy Ghost. The anointing of God seemed to fall on all of us like you would drop a blanket from heaven. The atmosphere was charged with the power of God! It took about seven services before it got really thick. In that flow I could have continued speaking forever, it seemed, and I was able to expound the Word differently each service. The Lord was pleased with our faith to wait upon Him.
In these meetings, the Holy Ghost had us praying, consistently, for every church, minister and the Body of Christ for the outpouring of the Spirit. We also prayed over and over for the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher to take their place with the Gifts of the Holy Ghost. We were led to pray this way. God had His way.
The hunger and faith of those in attendance determined the level of anointing in each service. There was a very strong anointing and I saw the Glory Cloud, at times, in the services. People that were prayed for received miracles. Many people though, received while sitting in the corporate anointing during the services. Extended meetings create an atmosphere for the Glory of the Lord and for the Gifts of the Spirit to operate.
Many would greet me with tears of joy after the services thanking me for doing the extended meeting, because they had received so much during that service. The thought that people don’t want or won’t come to extended meetings is wrong. I have proved it out. People want these meetings because they want God, all they can get, and He is found in these types of meetings. Now I’m not saying that God won’t move in normal, Sunday morning services, but in extended meetings you get into a different flow. Dad Hagin knew this, which is why he had so many of them.
The Gifts of the Spirit were in constant operation from about the seventh or eighth service. The longer the meeting continued the greater the manifestations of the Spirit. As you can believe, we left surface Christianity behind and there was a deep move of the Spirit that penetrated the human spirit of all in attendance. This causes the changes that took place in their lives to last, instead of just a temporary change that may last a day or week and then return to their old lifestyle.
Of course, when God is doing mighty things, the devil will always try to stop it. Satan sent demonic spirits through people that tried to hinder the flow of the anointing. I could sense them when they walked in the church before they ever arrived in the auditorium. They always came in after I had begun speaking, to disrupt things even more. The people attending didn’t realize what was going on. One fell in the floor screaming, at the top of their voice and I commanded them to shut up in the name of Jesus Christ. They got quite instantly. I have had plenty of experience with these things while I was in prison. I know how they operate and what to do about it. These meetings are not for those who lead them who don’t spend much time in prayer. Demons will run over those who pray baby prayers and never fast, and oppress the entire meeting. There is much I know about these things because I was forced to learn them. Remember, two of my church members, when I was a pastor, were stabbed to death by demon possessed people, before I learned how the spiritual realm functioned.
As you can see, God is wanting to do something in the body of Christ. He is wanting to move in a greater measure. And extended meetings are a way that He is going to do it. Please join with me and the rest of the Body of Christ for God’s Spirit to move in His church in a mighty way.