The Apostle
Ministry Gifts Think Differently
The ministry gifts think differently from other Christians, and other ministry gifts as well. Because of that, there is a misunderstanding of these offices and those who stand in those offices.
• Apostles sometimes want to take over the whole world and get frustrated at others because they don’t understand the Lord is saying to go take it from the devil.
• Prophets sometimes get disturbed because everyone else can’t see what is clearly right in front of their face, if they would only look.
• Evangelists sometimes think the whole church world is on the way to hell (some in the church are on their way to hell) and get upset about that.
• Pastors sometimes get the idea that all people need is the gift of the pastor so they don’t have other ministry gifts in their church.
• Teachers sometimes think all the rest of the ministry gifts are wild, goofed up and probably demon possessed because everything they preach doesn’t start with number one and end with number seven or so.
The truth is we all see things a little differently and we need each other to accomplish the plan of God. We must accept this fact, pray for one another and work together.
Don’t Let Satan Use Your Success Against You
If you are anointed and you walk out God’s plan, you will eventually be successful. Success can be a heinous monster to those who are not aware of Satan’s tactics. Satan will tell you that you are the greatest and try to get you filled with pride. He will then use the pride of your success to destroy you.
Without God and His anointing, you can do nothing and would know nothing at all. You must remain humble in order to move on in God. You are not better than anyone else or greater than anyone else because of your success. Jesus taught that the least is the greatest in the Kingdom of God. We must develop and keep an attitude of humility. That is the key to success in ministry.
The Apostle
The apostle’s office seems to embrace almost every type of ministry. The Greek word “apostolos” translated apostle means one sent forth, a sent one. This person is anointed and sent forth from the Lord to accomplish a specific mission. There are different levels and degrees of anointing in this office, just like the other four ministry offices. They are not called to tell everybody else what to do. They are first and foremost a preacher and a teacher of the Word of God. Signs, wonders and mighty deeds will operate through the apostle and the other ministry gifts.
The apostle is anointed to build and establish churches and ministries as well as help equip Christians spiritually to accomplish the will of God for their lives. I know some who are called pastors that actually stand in the office of apostle, in a measure. I know those who are called missionaries who stand in the office of apostle, in a measure.
Doing Away With Error
When a person is anointed to be an apostle, it does not mean that they are an apostle over the entire church world or over a church or ministry they did not establish. Their degree of influence or anointing only extends over what the Lord has called them to do, specifically.
There was a pastor years ago who got a revelation on prayer. When he would teach or preach on prayer people would be stirred up to pray. I believe he stood in the office of apostle, in a measure.
The problem occurred when he thought he was an apostle (sent one) to the entire church world and left his church to travel and teach on prayer. He fell flat on his face and went from international prominence into obscurity. You don’t hear of him anymore. I believe if he had stayed with his church and continued to teach on prayer, you would still hear of him today. He got out beyond what the Lord had called and anointed him to do. We must make sure we stay within our calling. The grass always seems greener on the other side, but isn’t.