The Lord explained why Word & Spirit meetings were necessary for RGM to have. The remnant of the church that has been scattered, confused, and afflicted are being gathered together. We realized it is imperative to know who you were sent to, because that is where your anointing is the greatest.
Jesus’, Peter’s, Paul’s Ministry Not To Everyone
Jesus’ individual ministry was not to everyone, He was sent to the “Lost sheep of the House of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24) Yes, He died for the entire human race, but His personal calling and ministry was to Israel in general. He did minister to others on occasion. Apostle Paul was sent to the Gentiles in general. (Romans 15:16) Peter was sent to the Jews in general. (Galatians 2:7-12) Both Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul ministered to others on occasion. If what you’re doing spiritually in ministry is not prospering and growing stop and ask the Lord who you are sent to, do that, and you will move forward in leaps and bounds in your anointing. Find out where you fit best and stay there obeying the Lord. All members of the Body of Christ have an anointing to work in the Kingdom. Find your place and get in it.
Jack Of All Trades
Dad Hagin taught me that I should not be “A jack of all trades” in ministry. I had that problem for many years, until I found out exactly what the Lord had called me to do and who He had sent me to, with His anointing. I used to do ministerial things because others did them, or I thought I should do them because of my background before I was saved. I fell flat on my face because it was not what I was called to.
Today, I believe there are very many who are in the wrong ministerial position because fate took them there and they don’t know what else to do. They are unfulfilled and their spirit is trying to tell them to change. Some want to be a pastor, comedian, motivational speaker, CEO, financial guru, TV star, the answer man or woman, pat you on the back telling you everything is all right ministry, etc. Read Ephesians 4 and 1 Corinthians 12 and ask the Lord what He wants you to do. It is imperative that we get into His perfect will.
The Plan Or Pattern
The Lord Jesus revealed how He was building His church today. (Matthew 16:18) He is renovating or removing false doctrine, traditions of men, and plans and ideas of men that have not been His will. Just because people call themselves a Christian or a Church of Jesus Christ does not mean that they are. You can call a mule a race horse, but on race day he will still be a flop eared, loping along, mule.
The Lord Jesus always has a pattern or plan that He uses to accomplish His work in the church. He is organized and knows exactly what He is going to do. If we don’t know what He is doing, we may do just the opposite of His plans. What is He doing today in the church? He is rebuilding the walls of His Word, spiritual truths and Bible doctrines according to the pattern of the book of NEHEMIAH. Nehemiah, was anointed in his day to gather the remnant of the children of Israel and rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem. He also was anointed to restore Biblical practices that had been lost, true worship of God and remove sin and disobedience from the people of God. God’s people were restored to reverent, Biblical worship and heathen practices were removed from God’s people. The Lord is doing the same thing today among the remnant of His people that will obey Him. May we all obey the Lord together in our day.