But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: – Acts 2:16-18
We need to understand that when God moves, He does not move outside the scriptures. Here, in Acts 2, He moved within the boundaries of what was written in the Bible. The same God that moved then, is the same God that’s going to move now. I believe that this prophecy, has been partially fulfilled in the first outpouring. I believe there’s another outpouring. I believe this has, as some people call it, a double reference meaning.
This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel. This was spoken by the prophet Joel hundreds of years earlier. He prophesied about what would happen in that day. Not the exact day and time, but he prophesied. This is what he prophesied in verse 17 – it shall come to pass, That’s an absolute guaranteed fact. It shall come to pass, in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh
Notice He said “all flesh” There was only 120 in that room, so there must be an all flesh coming. There was 120 that experienced it. I believe they were a type and foreshadow of what we’re having in this day.
Pour out of My Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. And on My servants and on My handmaidens, I will pour out in those days of My Spirit and they shall prophesy.
It’s a guaranteed fact. Because God wanted to do something, doesn’t mean He could just automatically do it without mankind getting involved in it. Everything God does, and Dad Hagin taught us this way, there’s two parts to it. There’s a Godward side and there’s a man-ward side. God will never fail in doing His part, if we’ll not fail in doing our part.
Here, He wanted to pour out His Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. Jesus gave instructions to tarry in Jerusalem. How do we know what He told them to do? Well, it says so in the Bible (Luke 24:49). It says that they went and prayed and began to supplicate and seek God. In other words, they were sincerely praying specifically about this ‘being endued with power from on high’. They had a specific direction in their prayer. They were seeking God. What God was doing, what Jesus was doing was incorporating the people on earth to get in agreement with the plan of God from Heaven. When the two met, there was an explosion in the earth. That’s where we’re at today.
This great and mighty outpouring of God belongs to you and me. God desires to pour out His Spirit. Thank God that they got baptized with the Holy Ghost in Acts chapter 2. Prior to this baptism of the Holy Ghost, they didn’t have the ability to pray in other tongues and pray out the mysteries of God like we do. Once they were baptized in the Holy Ghost and the church entered into the baptism, they got that ability. Today we can have the Holy Ghost and yield to Him and He can help us pray. He’s not going to do our praying for us, but He knows exactly what needs to be said. He knows exactly the petitions that need to be prayed. He knows the things that need to be prayed out in the Spirit. So, we can get in the Spirit and pray out God’s will, hook up with His plan and we’ll have this mighty deluge. We’re not waiting on God, God’s waiting on us. He’s waiting on the church to take their place. He’s waiting on the church to run their race.
Dad Hagin prophesied about this in the end times. He was a prophet that stood at the forefront of the prophet’s ministry. Not only was he a prophet, but he was an apostle – a sent one, to his entire generation. He stood in the highest office of ministry that any human being could ever stand in. He stood there. It wasn’t because he had a flamboyant type personality. In fact, he was kind of flatlined. It wasn’t because he had great marketing skills, because he had no skills. Far as I know, he didn’t even know how to turn a computer on or off. He never owned an iPad, or any of the highfalutin things we got today. Texting on a phone was out of the question. He didn’t have a huge ministry because he was some technical guru, but because he spent a lot of time on his knees in prayer. He went to the school of kneeology, not the school of theology. I’m not against training, we need training and developing. But he sought God.
He gave this prophecy about the end times move of God:
You see, I have said it had been prophesied by the Spirit of God, spoken by the Spirit, given by prophecy, given by tongues and interpretation, men speaking out of their hearts that burden, that word, that conviction that was put into their spirits by the Spirit of God concerning these days, concerning a great move of God and a great move of the Spirit, but those things cannot come, even though that it is the will of God, unless, you see, God is speaking forth His will. God is speaking forth His plan. God is speaking forth His purpose, but you see, you are the body of Christ. That great move of God that is waiting there cannot come unless the church gives birth to it. Remember that Paul writing to the church at Galatia said, “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.” The way that you will give birth unto to move of God and unto that which He has planned, that which is His highest purpose and will for your land and for this day, the way you give birth to it is to bring it about through soul travail and intercessory prayer. So the Spirit of God is enlisting men and women today to volunteer to be one of those who will say, “Lord, You can depend on me to be one of those who will sacrifice, even the legitimate pleasures of life, and come aside from fellowship with others, that they may enjoy so much, and spend time on their face in intercession.” He is seeking out those today who will respond to Him. Thank God, my heart answers back, “Lord, I am one of them. I am one of them.” And others will enlist and will enter into the greatest ministry there is, the ministry of intercession.
The greatest ministry on planet earth is the ministry of prayer. A person on their knees can change nations, right where they are. He said that is the greatest ministry there is. He called it the ministry of intercession, but you could call it the ministry of prayer. Dad Hagin continued:
And so it shall come, it shall come. The darkness that hovers on the horizon of time. The darkness that hovers on the horizon of our own nation will be dispelled and driven back. For the light of God will shine through and the rivers of the Spirit will flow and the blessings of God will come, and it will break, break upon us like a mighty dam has broken. And the flood waters will rush forth, sweeping before them all that is in their path. So the floodwaters of His blessing and His goodness and His Spirit shall sweep forth like a mighty flood. Not to bring devastating results, but to bring glorious results. Not to bring death and destruction, but to bring life and peace and health and healing. And glorious shall be the day thereof giving yourself unto intercession, then you shall be one who will see the fruits of your labors. So, labor on, pray on in persistence and in faith and the floodgates of His blessings shall be loosed upon the world and upon this nation, and it will be so and it can be so and it shall be so, that the church shall yet see her finest hour in this time and in this day.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is the truth. The greatest ministry Dad Hagin said, under the anointing, the Holy Ghost said through him – is the ministry of prayer. We’re not waiting on God, in the church, God is waiting on the church to get in agreement with what He wants to do. We must pray it out. We must give birth to these things. It’s kind of like a lady in labor, giving birth. There is another outpouring to come greater than the one that came in Acts 2. It’s greater than Azusa Street, greater than anything we’ve seen before. But we have to pray it out. We have to get in the spirit and pray these things out. We have to get hooked up with God and pray out His plan, not our plan, in the spirit. Our greatest days are ahead of us. God is with us.