The culture of this world is social interaction with people. I realize it is not a current church culture topic to talk about things like this, but it is the culture of heavenly things. The culture of Heaven is first of all, a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father.
After you have made that connection, then that’s when you interact with the people around you. Look around and you’ll notice how the culture of this world is reflected and has actually become the centerpiece of most of the church world.
I know there are many wanting to be part of the current trend, but what is trendy is not always Godly. King Saul went with the trends of his day and lost his anointing and his kingly throne.
Then came the word of the Lord unto Samuel, saying, It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king: for he is turned back from following me, and hath not performed my commandments. And it grieved Samuel; and he cried unto the Lord all night.( 1Samuel 15:10-11)
I know from past experience, that you can convince yourself that what you are doing is God’s will. That happens when you live your life only in the physical and mental/educational realm. It also comes from listening to other people or copying what other people are doing. Many fads and cultural trends in the church today have come from following someone else – not the Spirit of God.
It is time for all of us ministers to get on our knees and examine what we are doing in our services. We should remove everything that is not of God because it grieves the Holy Ghost. Be determined to always stay sensitive to those gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit. Take the time to wait upon the Lord in prayer and in the Word to discover His guidance and direction for your life.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understand. In all they ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct they paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Wait long enough before Him until your mind becomes quiet and is no longer active. Wait long enough in prayer for all of your physical senses and emotions to be brought into captivity so they no longer dominate you. Then you’ll be able to hear from your spirit.
Remember that God speaks to your spirit and what He says to you will always line up with His Word. So always examine your leading in the light of the Bible. God will never lead you one step beyond the principles in His Word. We get off track when we don’t follow the principles of the Bible. Anyone who is even a little bit spiritual can see things that need correcting in the Christian world today. Those things that do not agree with the Word or Spirit of the living God should be laid aside. There are popular, cultural trends of society that are now being called moves of God in the church. That is not correct.
Finding the culture of Heaven shouldn’t be a mystery. It’s pretty easy. Just turn away from what the world is doing and you’ll know! We need to read, study and do what the Word of God says. Then we need to pray, seek and ask the Holy Spirit and He will guide us. God is with us!