For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. – Romans 8:14
Sometimes, you don’t know what you know. When I was going to RHEMA Bible Training Center, we had what they called a lab class. And for this class, you had to preach a sermon for 12 minutes. Well when I got the assignment I had no clue what I was going to say. I thought and thought and couldn’t come up with anything.
Finally I got around to praying and asking God what I should preach about. Well, He answered me and told me, “Preach what you know.” I thought that was glorious. I got an answer. Preach what I know. Well, what do I know? I had to ask the Lord that as well. He responded and told me to preach about how to cast out demons. He gave me the outline and the scriptures for the sermon.
So my day came to preach and I was in the pastors’ class. They had everyone split up into what they felt they were called to do and I went into the pastors’ class because I didn’t know what I was called to do. I was told that if I went into pastors I’d have a little bit of everything so I’d be fine. So here I am, standing in front of all these soon-to-be pastors. Now previously, there were sermons being preached like Life is like a cake. It’s filled with lots of layers, but there’s sweetness in between.
The bell rings and I go. I’m preaching about a mile a minute, spitting everywhere, and everyone is laughing and screaming, hollering and praising God. Pastors were leaving shouting.
Well I get done and class is over and the teacher calls me back and starts talking to me. “Bro. Randy you did good. You did good. You have your three points and your scriptures. But I wanted to tell you something. I’m not saying this is God or anything, but I think you missed it. I don’t think you should be in the pastors’ class. If you preach that hard every Sunday, you’ll kill the people.”
Now I say that to say this. Sometimes you don’t know what you know. Sometimes you know more, and Holy Ghost has taught you more, than what you give yourself credit for. You have to find out where you fit and where you flow and get in that flow. Don’t try to be this one and be that one. That doesn’t mean you can’t pick up things and anointings and impartations from different ones, because you can. You can learn from different ones. But there is a flow that God has for you.
There’s an anointing that God has for you. And if you try to get into someone else’s anointing and their flow, put on another man or woman’s shoes and do what God called them to do, and step into their ministry – you’re not going to be effective. Not only that, by doing so, you can open up yourself to the devil and end up dying prematurely. Find out where God wants you, where the Holy Ghost is leading you and go with Him.