Revelation From The Lord Jesus Christ
Years ago the Lord Jesus Christ revealed things to me, by His Spirit, and said, “You are entering into a place in the Spirit that you haven’t been before.
Prepare yourself and tell my people to prepare themselves, by developing the character of God in their lives. You will not be able to contain the power of God without the character of God.” I was then impressed to read Joshua chapters one, two and three. These chapters tell how Israel prepared to enter the Promised Land. Spiritual principles from these scriptures are necessary for the church to understand, and to possess the Promised Land of the Spirit that is before us.
We Should All Hear From The Spirit Of God
I certainly don’t know it all and I am not the only person that hears from the Lord. All of us that are Christians should hear from the Lord on a continual basis. I truly believe the Lord is communicating a lot more things to us than we pick up, spiritually.
I am also human and realize I could miss it. My prayer and faith is that the Lord will keep me balanced in the Bible and all spiritual things. I want to thank all my friends for your prayers and support as we serve the Lord together. I discovered that everyone that sought the Lord for the outpouring of the Spirit received it.
Spiritual Principles To Pass This Way
And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over. (Joshua 3:1)
We have to go after God – He has already gone after us! The Lord did not have to wake Joshua up; he got up himself. We must decide to obey the leading of the Lord ourselves. He is not going to make us possess this Promised Land – it is our choice. I made a decision, in prison, that I would seek the Lord to win those prisoners around me to the Lord. After a few months of praying and seeking the Lord, the Glory fell and many were delivered from demons, healed, and saved! My church grew from eleven people to seventy-five in four days and grew to over one hundred and twenty soon thereafter. Nothing would have happened if I had not sought the Lord myself. He did not seek me, in a sense, I sought Him.
And it came to pass after three days, that the officers went through the host; And they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it. (Josh. 3:2-3)
We must follow the Lord and be led by the Spirit. The usual position of the Ark, when the Israelites were at rest, was in the center of the camp, and during a march, in the middle of the procession. This was a different protocol from Heaven. This time the Ark would lead the people. This declares that God must lead us into the land, all of the natural plans of man are no good to cross Spiritual Jordan.
In prayer, while in prison, the Lord gave me specific directions to follow that caused His Power and Glory to be revealed in that prison. I would get on my knees and ask the Lord what He wanted to do in our Church.
I had no spiritual education and very little natural education, so I had to trust in the Lord to lead me. The Lord would tell me what songs He wanted us to sing and what scriptures to read. The anointing would come upon us all in our prison church services! We can’t do church as usual. It will not get you there. Pray…until!!!
Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure: come not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go: for ye have not passed this way heretofore. (Joshua 3:4)
They had a great respect and reverence for the Lord and we must too. This generation has lost the sense of respect, even in the natural world. Many children are raised with a do what you want attitude. They tell their parents to shut-up and I will do what I want too! Rebellion is rampant throughout the world we live in.
This rebellion has gotten into the church and it is our fault as ministers We don’t want to tell people that, “This is not Burger King and you cannot have it your way. It is going to be God’s way or no way!” The younger generation is being allowed to take over by their elders, who endure it to appease them. The younger generation must be led into the reverence and respect of the spiritual things of the Lord, in the church. Elders of the church must and will arise and take their place.
And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you. (Joshua 3:5)
We must develop the character of God in our lives. This was especially true in this situation because the Ark was without the protective covering of the holy of holies. The raw Power of God will be in great demonstration in this wave and sin cannot come into the presence of our Holy God. Ananias and Sapphira fell dead for lying to the Holy Ghost in the first outpouring in the book of Acts.
Many ministers died prematurely in the last major move of God that began in 1947. Cover yourself in the blood of Jesus, but also walk in the Spirit and do not fulfill the lusts of your flesh. Consecrate yourself to God today!
And Joshua spake unto the priests, saying, Take up the ark of the covenant, and pass over before the people. And they took up the ark of the covenant, and went before the people. (Joshua 3:6)
Ministers must partake of the power and lead the way. On this historic occasion the Ark was to be set in the front ranks and carried, not by Levites of the family of Kohath, but by priests. Of course, all of us are kings and priests today but the five-fold ministries are to lead the way; so all the Levites (Christians) can follow in the way we have not been before. We are crossing over!!!