Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. – 1 John 2:18
The antichrists that the Word of God is talking about here is people – human beings – that are yielding to the antichrist spirit, the spirit of the devil. They are yielding to the wrong spirit. Notice the word that is used in here as well – many. Not just a few, many. I’m not going to be one of those manys. And neither are you.
Verse 19 says, “They went out from us…” That shows us that there was a separation in the early church. And there is a separation going on in the church today. Now if you want to follow the antichrist spirit, and you want to follow the things that contradict God’s Word, and you want to get away from the Holy Ghost and follow the world and the things that appease the flesh, please get out of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please get out of the church and tell everyone that you ‘follow the antichrist, we don’t follow Jesus Christ.’ Please do that for the church because you’ve almost destroyed us because we have too many immature people in the church who don’t know the difference between the antichrist and Jesus Christ. Now that’s the truth.
They have nowhere to go. People are confused. One is saying go this way, one is saying go that way, and the Lord is saying stay on the straight and narrow. So just go out there and hang up your shingle, proclaim it to everyone, and follow the antichrist. I would rather you do that and get in your deception, then lie to the church, lie to the body of Christ.
You come along with your pretty sermons, and your motivational messages, and you take scriptures out of context, twist the Bible and say this doesn’t belong to the church today. Hang out your shingle, say you follow the antichrist and shut up. And get out of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus is coming back for a glorious church, not a church that is following the antichrist spirit. And God’s about to rectify some things. In fact, He’s working on it right now. He’s going to get this mess out of the church by the power of the Holy Ghost. Thank God for it.
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. – 1 John 2:19
Just like what is happening today, there was a separation in the early church. And those that followed the antichrist left the church so that it was known that they were following him and not following Jesus Christ. The same thing is going to happen today.
The Lord is moving today to remove the things from His church that are not of Him. He’s moving to prepare His church, that they might be ready for His return. Like the scriptures say, He is returning for a glorious church. And the church can’t be glorious while there’s all this false doctrine, seducing spirits, and people following after the antichrist spirit.
So that is what He’s doing today. He’s preparing His church so that they might be ready for His return.