Where is God at during this church service or that church service? What is God doing? I would go to Dad Hagin’s meetings as a spectator. Of course I was going to listen and be instructed in the Word of God. That’s all great and good, but one day the Lord just spoke to me in my spirit.
He said, “I don’t want you to come to these meetings just as a spectator. I want you to come to be a participator.”
I said, “What do you mean by that?”
He said, “You’ve heard, who you call Dad Hagin, talk about interpreting the flow of the service. You don’t do that.”
I examined myself and the Lord was right. It’s amazing how He’s right. I hadn’t done that.
He said, “If you’ll train yourself now to interpret the flow of the service, if you miss it here in Brother Hagin’s meetings, nobody’ll ever know it. But you can also learn here in these meetings about where I’m at and what I’m doing and the direction and flow. You can learn how to interpret the flow of the Spirit and what I want to do. It’ll help you further down the road.”
So I began to go along and put up my spiritual antennae and ask my question, “Where is the Lord at in all this? Which way is the Lord going to go? What’s gonna happen next? Which direction is the service gonna go?”
If the Holy Ghost is in charge, He’s speaking to all of our spirits. If we’re sensitive to Him, we’re pretty well gonna know. You know that’s the flow of the Holy Ghost in these last days. God wants to bring the church to a place of being totally led by the Spirit of the Living God, a totally Spirit-led move of God. We’re going to be right in the middle of it. The move of God for this last day really is interpreting what God wants to do, interpreting the flow of the Holy Ghost. The way you do that is you stay sensitive in the spirit and you spend much time in prayer. You can’t interpret what the Spirit is saying or doing if you’re in the natural all the time.
If you’ll spend time praying in the Holy Ghost, which is the doorway into the spiritual realm, you’ll become spiritually perceptive of what God wants to do before He does it. You can become sensitive as to what God is wanting to do in a service and you can begin to pick it up. Maybe some of you know what the minister is going to say before they say it. Is that possible? Yes, it is. You may not be just perfect at it. I’m still not perfect at it today. But you don’t quit, you get up and go on.
One time at Campmeeting these words came up in my spirit and the Holy Ghost said to me, “Pat’s gonna shake the bush.” I said, “What do you mean, ‘Pat’s gonna shake the bush?’” I’m interpreting the flow if the Spirit here. I’m supposed to be ‘Mr. Spiritual.’ He said, “Pat’s gonna shake the bush.” Then He said this, “Buddy’s gonna follow suit.” I thought, bush? There ain’t no way in the world that’s gonna happen. I was thinking about the bush and Jethro, Moses and the desert and I was going – what? How in your right mind could you ever conceive that? Dad Hagin’s up there and he’s talking, ministering under anointing.
Then all of a sudden, the next thing I know he said, “Pat come on and obey God.”
She got up there and spoke in other tongues. She was standing there and over on the other side there was a bush, one of those fake trees. She went over and grabbed that bush and she shook it while she was speaking in tongues. He said, “Pat’s gonna shake the bush.” I like to fell out of my seat. Pat’s shaking the bush! That’s what God’s talking about!
Then Rev. Buddy started interpreting the tongue. It was amazing how God would use them together. In the interpretation Rev. Buddy went over and shook the bush. It was amazing how God put it all together. If God tells you that Pat’s gonna shake the bush, she’s gonna shake the bush. If He says Buddy’s gonna shake the bush, he’s gonna shake the bush. You may not know what the bush is, I sure didn’t know. It had something to do with a rustling in the mulberry bush.
In this day God is desiring His people to get in tune with what He’s doing, what He’s saying. You can become so sensitive to God that you’ll know exactly what He wants to do, how He wants to do it and when He wants to do it. There are times when God doesn’t specifically speak to you, but you keep going and keep obeying God. You can become sensitive to what God is doing in the earth. That is what God is endeavoring to bring the church to today. That’s the move where God is totally in control. We want to follow Him in every area of our life.