All success from God comes from being led by the Spirit of God. Brother Hagin was asked about how he got from where he started to where he was then – preaching to an international audience. The only key to success that he knew of was, “praying and finding out what God wants you to do and then doing what God said. That’s all I’ve done.” He didn’t set around in a strategy meeting and try to come up with a strategy, means or way. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t use our heads or mind. God gave us our brain to work with, but when it comes to spiritual things, a lot of times our minds can get in the way if we try to figure out everything.
First, find out what the Lord wants you to do. Then plan how to do it. Don’t plan without having instructions from the Lord first. You can save yourself a lot of time praying about different issues if you’ll just go to the Bible and find out what the Bible says. That’s the number one way that the Lord leads us. Sometimes you need to lose your mind if you’re going to get the mind of Christ. Pray until you get quiet in your mind. You’ll get into a place of peace and tranquility, where your focus is totally on God. Then you can hear the voice of your spirit talking to you – the second way that God speaks to His children.
God knows everything you need to know. How do you get sensitive to spiritual things? You spend time in prayer. Pray in the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues. When you get quiet in prayer, you can pick up the still small voice.
The third way God speaks to us is the voice of the Holy Spirit. His is a more authoritative voice than that of your human spirit. It’s so real that you think someone is standing there talking to you. It’s the Holy Spirit – He has a voice. If we’ll develop this area of our life, He’ll lead us, guide us, and direct us. All we have to do is listen to the voice of the Lord. One way that we can get ourselves in a position to hear more from the Lord is praying in the Holy Spirit. You can have an attitude of prayer as you go around your daily routines. Keep your spiritual antennae up and stay in tune with the Lord. The Lord will tell us things in advance and show us things to come.
Just because you’ve heard His voice doesn’t mean you act on it today though. Some things are quick, but some things we need to wait on. Jesus told dad Hagin, “The reason many of My children fail to enter into what I called them to do is simply because they failed to prepare for what I called them to do. Preparation time is never wasted time. Start getting ready now for what I’ve called you to do.”
God will lead you. God will direct you. God will guide you by the Holy Ghost. If the Lord tells you to do something, be obedient and do it, but you can’t just jump out and do something because you want to. Success does not come from doing what the most famous preacher or business man says to do. It comes by finding out God’s plan for your life and doing it, and that comes through prayer.