And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. – Matthew 16:18
The Lord is building His church today. When I say church, I’m not talking about a physical building. I’m talking about His people. And He is renovating the church, He is rooting out, pulling down, destroying some things because the church is not presently built upon the New Testament pattern Jesus Christ originally intended it to be built upon.
Why doesn’t He do it all at once? Because He has to do it in bits and pieces – slowly – otherwise people would buck like an old mule or a horse that doesn’t want to do like it’s master says. Because some of the things that the Lord wants to do and is going to do may sound strange to you. Because it has not been accepted in the body of Christ for many years now.
But God is building His church and the gates of Hell will not stop Him. There is no man, there is no demon, there is no devil, there is no government, there is no church organization built by man that will stop God’s plan from coming to pass. Since Jesus Christ founded the church there has been demons and devils, men and governments trying to stop what He wants to do, but they haven’t. And they’re not going to.
But they’re trying. There’s many scriptures in the New Testament that the church doesn’t even believe today. Many are about the pattern of the church. This is because of those demons and devils and plans of men. But God is building his church today. He is renovating it today. He is tearing some things out today. The reason He’s tearing some things out is because there’s things that have been placed there by man. The reason He is renovating the present church is because it has already been built. It was originally built on the right pattern, but we have gotten away from that. So the Lord is bringing us back to that. He can’t start all over. We’re all that He has to work with. We’re it. So He’s renovating us.
He is renovating and pulling things out of the church that will stop His plan, pulling things out of us. His truths are going to arise and they will not be stopped by man. So if you hear a message that steps on your toes, you might want to make sure it’s not God dealing with you. God is rooting out and pulling things out of His church and you are part of His church. He is preparing us for His plans. He’s not going to do it all at once. Like many other things, it is a process. So examine yourself, ask the Lord if there is anything in you that needs to be gotten rid of. Ask Him if there is anything that needs to be added.
God is building His church and He is coming back for a glorious church. That means you are going to be glorious because you are His church. And that is what He is working on today – rooting up, pulling out, renovating to make a glorious church.