There is a lot of unusual weather phenomenon going on today. The Lord started to talk to me about this back in 2005 and told me why, because of a sifting that is going on in the world. And we see a lot of unusual and unprecedented things going on in the natural world – record flooding, record this, record that. All kinds of stuff has been going on and the weather hasn’t been like it should be. People ask if God sent a tornado through places like Moore, Oklahoma; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; and Joplin, Missouri because He doesn’t like them?
God doesn’t do that. But the world’s system believes that God does these things. And if we don’t watch it, we can get this mentality in the church or get lost in this thought. God doesn’t want you in La La land when it comes to what is going on in the earth. We should be the most intelligent people group on the planet. Why are these things happening. Why are earthquakes happening? God showed me that the earth is wobbling, that the earth has moved off course, off its original course and design. And it has done so because of the fall of man. But the closer we get to the end of time and the more sin is in the earth, the worse these things will happen. But I saw the earth wobbling minutely, like the old toy tops that spin. Right before they fall, they wobble. That is like what I saw. But it has moved minutely and that causes the crust to shift and earthquakes to happen. And it’s not God causing it. It’s because demon powers are trying to kill everyone on this planet. It’s not God. God isn’t trying to kill people. He is trying to save people. He’s not trying to kill mamas and daddies and babies and take farms and homes away from people. That is not our God. Our God is a good God. And the devil is a bad devil.
But all of these things are happening because the earth is wobbling off its course. After I originally published this in our newsletter, someone at NASA got a hold of it and sent us a link. What we found out, is that these people that are smarter than me say when the earthquake happened in Haiti a few years ago, the earth shifted three inches at its center. God knew that thousands of years ago and Isaiah wrote about it in Isaiah 24. So that’s why we’re having these problems. It’s not that God is out to kill people. God is a good God.
Now there’s another side to every message. I’m not saying there can’t be judgment. But that’s a whole other message. But generally speaking, God isn’t out killing people, taking people’s jobs away from them, taking milk from babies. God is a good God. The devil is a bad devil.