I was preaching once at a church and suddenly the Spirit of God came upon me. I heard these words, “Get out of the world system”. Immediately, I received revelation about what those words meant. I knew, by revelation, that we needed to trust in the Lord and not be dependent on the way the world operates. I knew it didn’t mean to run to the mountains and hide in a cave in fear. I did know that we must get out of debt to the world system, financially. Even if it meant to sell some items to do it.
Our country is filled with the instant gratification syndrome. I must have it now! I got caught up in it also at one time. If you have to have it now then obtaining a loan for it is the way the world has for you to get it.
Joseph knew to prepare for the future and when the shaking came he and all who obeyed the Lord were the wealthiest people on the earth. Get yourself in a position to have the Lord’s true prosperity. Sow into the Kingdom of God. The scripture is still true, But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. (2 Corinthians 9:6) Prepare for the financial harvest that the Lord promised to all who obey Him.
During this time, I also knew that we were to develop our faith and trust the Lord for divine health instead of having to depend on miracle drugs and medical science. Medical science will be unable to meet the demands of sickness, disease and epidemics (and even pandemics). I am not against doctors or medicine.
The Lord Jesus Christ will protect His own in these last days. It is not a time to fear. It is a time to live in God’s best! That is why the church has been taught faith these past years. Many have declared the faith movement is over. Really, it has only just begun. It will take faith to live in these last days. Everything we were taught about faith, up until this point, was to get us ready for the days ahead. Pray Psalms chapter 91, over you and your family and you will see that a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you!
The Glory of God is and will be poured out in the earth and millions will turn to the Lord because the world system will fail them and there will be nowhere else to turn. All the Gifts of the Spirit will be in operation and miracles of God will take place like no other time period before.
The main thing is for you to simply obey what the Spirit of God leads you to do personally. We do not copy one another; we are to be led by the Spirit. He may tell you to do something different than what He tells me. I encourage you to get Dad Hagin’s book, “How To Be Led By The Spirit Of God”, and read, meditate, study and practice it. It will pay huge dividends in your personal life, family and business. Do not fear, “GOD IS WITH US”!