The Lord showed me this in our August Contending Faith Bible Conference meeting in Pigeon Forge, TN. He told us there that the church has outrun its prayer life. Not everyone, but the church in general. We can’t live off of yesterday’s prayers anymore because we’ve used them up. Today we’re trying to obtain places and move into places in the Spirit that we have not prayed out first.
In order to walk something out, you must first pray it out. So that’s the reason that there’s a shaking going on in the world. We’re moving to a new level. This new level—you don’t have to go there if you don’t want to—but God is taking His church to a new level. We’re moving into some areas, and the enemy doesn’t want us to. He doesn’t want us to do certain things. He doesn’t want us to go forward in God.
The truth is, though, that the church has to get back to praying. We have to get back to praying out what God wants us to walk out. Prayer prepares the way for what will happen in your life and ministry. If you don’t pray it out, you won’t walk it out. And that’s the problem the church has today. We have outrun our prayers and used them all up.
We must get back to praying the prayer of success. I know what you’re thinking: “What is the prayer of success?” Is that in the Bible? Yes, of course it is. The prayer of success is simply praying in unknown tongues. Dad Hagin said the secret to his success was simply seeking God and praying much in the Holy Ghost.
Most ministers would admit that every major leading they have ever received from God came after seeking God in prayer, usually for an extended period of time. That’s what Dad Hagin said, and I’ve found that to be true in my life as well. Spend time seeking God if you want success.
Those things going on in the world that we don’t know about—the Lord does, and He wants to do something about it. However, He can’t. He’s given His authority and power on earth over to man. That’s one of the reasons why Jesus came—to give authority back to mankind. God gave Adam His authority down here, and Adam turned it over to the devil, and Jesus took it back from the devil and gave it to the church.
If things are going to change on earth, it is going to take the church praying down here on the earth. And those things that we don’t know about, the Lord will reveal them to us, and He will even reveal how to pray about them.
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. – Romans 8:26 KJV
Notice that it says that we do “not know what we should pray as we ought.” It doesn’t say that we don’t know how to pray. We pray in the Spirit, and the Holy Spirit prays through us. The devil will try to deceive us into believing that it’s a waste of time because we don’t know what we’re saying. It’s not a waste. We’re not praying to ourselves. We’re praying to God. He’s the one who understands.
If we don’t pray our way into success and into God’s plan, we will not walk out God’s plan. We cannot live on the prayers of yesterday. We have to do our own praying. We need to be praying into our future. You have to have a continual prayer life. Keep praying in the Holy Ghost. Keep seeking God.
Don’t listen to the devil. Don’t listen to your flesh. Your flesh will get weary of praying in tongues because you don’t always see the glory, hear the angels, or see something spectacular. Don’t get the supernatural and the spectacular confused. When we pray, especially in the Spirit, the supernatural is in operation. It may not be spectacular, but it certainly is supernatural.
Keep on praying. Add your prayers to all those saints praying for our nation and the world. Don’t outrun your prayers. Pray into your future and walk out all that God has for you. God is with us!