We can see that we are in the times and the seasons that something has to happen in the church world. As you look around the church world as a whole, you see a digression or a moving away from the things of God and moving into the things of the flesh, the opinions and ideas of men.
In fact, people have gone as far as to come up with another Jesus. There are many different kinds of Jesus according to man’s opinions and ideas. However, there’s only one Jesus according to the Bible. The problem we have in the body of Christ is that many people have different concepts about who Jesus is.
Of course, there are reasons for that. There are people out there who are spouting out things that don’t agree with the whole counsel of God’s Word that has been rightly divided. The way that this happens – that another Jesus arises, is that somebody has a scriptural revelation, but all they do is look at that one revelation. They don’t look at the whole counsel of God’s Word.
We need to preach the love and grace of God and God loves you, but on the other side of that we have to preach repentance. And you have to preach judging yourself. 1 Corinthians 11:31 says, “For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.” But if you preach that God loves you just as you are and you can never get out of God’s love (never lose your salvation), well that’s a lie. You can walk away from God and make the decision and you can go to hell. It’s not that God is sending you there. You will go at the protest of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who stood on the cross trying to stop you.
But you can walk away from the love of God. However, today it is being taught in the church that you can do anything and worship anything and God will still love you and you will still go to Heaven. That’s not true. If you turn away from our Lord Jesus Christ and you don’t come to the Father through Him, then you will go to hell.
Yes, God loves us all. But you have to take advantage of that. You have to accept what Jesus did, and then you have to walk in the light of it if you are going to Heaven. We have to understand that there is a balance and it is found in rightly dividing the whole counsel of the Word of God. If we do that, if we stick with the Bible, we will not be led astray and we will follow after the only true Jesus there is.