In order to walk in victory over the devil, one of the first things you have to do is close the door to him. How? Get rid of anything to do with the devil. Do away with any practices that are not of God. Anything that is not of God will hinder you. Ephesians 4:27 […]
There are many in our nation, Christians included, who are arguing on social media, demonstrating, and placing blame on political leaders for all the problems going on. Shortages, high prices, limitations on our freedoms are all being blamed on this politician or that, this party or that. However, the Lord spoke to me and told […]
You Have To Preach The Truth
It seems today that those who tell the truth, who dare to stand up for the Word of God are labeled as being judgmental. They’re labeled as attacking people. However, that’s not true. Just because you are standing up for the Bible, that doesn’t mean you’re attacking anyone. I don’t attack anyone. I love everybody. […]
Protectors of Truth
We live in critical times that require us to do things to protect the truths of the Word of God. Above everything else, all ministerial offices, there is something all Christians are called to do, in my humble opinion, and that is to be protectors of the truth. I believe this calling is higher than […]