The following words were given through Rev. Randall Grier our our August 2024 Contending Faith Bible Conference in Pigeon Forge, TN.
Prophecy by Bro. Randy – CFBC in Pigeon Forge, TN August 23, 2023 pm service
Spoke: I sense the anointing, I sense you are going to be up and running in 2024, in your ministry and to what God has called you to. You’re fixing to have a breakout and breaking forth into some things in the Spirit of God as you give yourself to Him, that you haven’t seen before. This is something that we haven’t seen before, we’ve never been this way before. It’s not something outside the bible, it’s just doubling up basically what’s in the bible and we thank God for it.
Tongue and interpretation – If you will hear My voice and obey what I tell you to do, you’ll find out that you’ll move in a way that’s never been for you. Because I’m calling you out in a place in the Spirit and you’re gonna walk in that place and My voice you will hear it.
Prophecy by Bro. Randy – CFBC in Pigeon Forge, TN August 24, 2023 am service
For there is coming a shift, there is coming a change in the world that’s going to effect the natural world. It’s going to shake the natural world, it’s going to shake the political realm, it’s going to shake the economic realm, it’s going to shake the spiritual realm, it’s going to shake My church.
But if you will prepare and seek My face, you’re not going to be shaken, you’re not going to be moved and it’s not going to shake you and it’s not going to affect you like it does others, because you’ve positioned yourself to seek My face.
For many, many are not ready for what is about to come. Position yourself, position yourself and seek My face. Get into the Spirit, listen to My voice, obey what I tell you to do and you will see that you’ve made the right choice because I’m working a work in this day that looks like that man‘s going to have his way but you will see that all the plans of man shall fail and they will fall. And I will cause My church to rise up in the midst of it all.
It will look like turmoil, confusion and devastation. But know this says the Lord, I’m bringing supernatural revelation and My power and My glory will be known amongst the people; so you prepare yourself and get into the place that I have for you, from this day and you’ll see that you are ready for it when it comes your way. It will not affect you, it will not cause you to have hardships like it does others but you’ll walk in the place that I have for you and you will be able to say, “The Lord be magnified and I glorify His Name” and you will be able to lead others along that same path and you will see in their lives there will come change.
There will be voices that will come to you and say, which way do we go, which way do we go and if you haven’t prepared yourself even you will not know. But when you seek My face and hear My voice, you will know My plan and you can clearly say, “This is the way, this is the way” and they will serve God in that day.
Prophecy by Bro. Randy – CFBC in Pigeon Forge, TN August 24, 2023 pm service
For there is a day that has come upon you in this time. A day and move of the Spirit that has been in My plan divine. And I’m calling My people even this night up into the Spirit in this place. And as you give yourself to Me you will find that I will visit you in supernatural ways.
As you esteem the things of God highly and have reverential respect for the things of God and seek My face; I’ll give you more of My grace. I’ll give you more of My gifts. I’ll give you more of My revelation and yes some will even have visitations. Some that sit here tonight I will visit them from time to time as is necessary. Because we’ve moved into an era and a time that we’ve never been before. It’s a place in the Spirit that I’ve prepared for you and so be quick to obey, be quick to pray and then you’ll move out in this brand new way, says the Lord.