As the New Year is upon us, people are looking to make changes in their life, business, and ministry. Some are looking to move forward in the things of God or change things that have been hindering them in life. Many times, people seek after the new thing or the new revelation of what God is doing. However, that can be dangerous if you get ahold of something and down the road find out that it isn’t the Lord at all.
There are some things that we can see from the Word of God that have lasted though. They aren’t new revelations. They’re old revelations. They’re things that the Lord has told His people throughout history and they have consistently worked because they are from Him. Instead of giving you something new, I wanted to give you some time proven principles to apply to your life, business, and ministry that will take you where you want to go. The Lord showed me these principles some time ago and they will change everything as you apply them to your life.
These principles are based on Joshua 1:8-9: This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
1. Communicate With The Lord In Prayer. The Lord spoke to Joshua and told him what to do to be a success. We must hear from God to be successful. Real, lasting success does not come through what we think we should do, but what God says to do. Everything I have ever done successfully was a result of hearing God. Always keep an attitude of prayer.
2. Speak God’s Words. Our words set the direction for our lives. Speak the good things that the Word of God says about your family, life and ministry. We get into a mess when we have “crooked speech” as the Bible calls it – saying things contrary to the Word of God. Keep your confession consistent with what the Word says, not what the world says.
3. Fix Your Mind On God’s Word. Worry is a result of fear and fear is what attracts Satan. The Kingdom of God operates by faith and the kingdom of darkness operates by fear. If Satan can get you to fear something, he will bring it to pass in your life. If the Lord Jesus can get you to have faith for something in His Word, He will bring it to pass in your life. Think on the things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and a good report (Phil. 4:8)
4. Act Like The Bible Is True. True Bible faith is an act. If you are talking failure you will act that way. Keep talking and acting like the Bible is true – because it is.
5. Never Think Failure. The things that Job feared greatly came upon him and his family. Anytime the thought of fear comes to you, command fear to go in the name of Jesus! Cast down every argument and high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Cor. 10:5)
6. Thank And Praise God Continually. The Lord Jesus inhabits the praises of His people and it causes the power of God to flow. My sister, Pam, was fishing with a group of people one time. No one was catching any fish. She started praising the Lord for helping her catch fish. Suddenly, she started catching fish. She caught so many she finally had to quit fishing. No one else caught any fish but her. What do you want to happen? Start praising God for it!
7. Always Know And Say That God Is With You. The Lord told Joshua that He would be with him and He will be with all of us. We have a better covenant than Joshua did. We must believe that and act like it is true. My favorite phrase is, “God Is With Us!”
These principles are time proven principles given to us directly from the Word and Spirit of God. I encourage you to make them part of your daily life. As you apply them to your life you will see things change in such a drastic way, you’ll begin to wonder what is going on. It’s the principles of God’s Word. It’s His Word working in your life to do exactly what He said He would. God is with us!