The following prophecy was given by Rev. Randall Grier on Wednesday night at our January 2020 Word & Spirit meeting.
Some would say, what about the year ahead? And then, what about the year that you see out there? And then, what about the year that is just right over there? For you see, says the Lord, I’ve declared the end from the beginning. And many clamor to find, and struggle to find, what I’m saying and doing in this day. But don’t be disappointed, for you shall know right away.
So what about the year of 2020? The year of 2020 is a year of preparation for a race that must be run. It’s a year of dedication and consecration to My will and My plan and it’s already begun. Many have heard My voice, and made the choice that ‘I’m gonna turn aside and hear His voice.’ So it will be a time of preparation, and I will start at the top. I will start at the head. And I will purify My people. And by My Spirit they shall be led. Things of the flesh must be laid aside. So that you will walk in everything that I provide. And yes, the blessings of the natural realm will come upon you. But more importantly, the things of the spiritual realm, is more important for you. So seek not the natural by itself. But seek My plan and My purpose for this year. Because the year of 2020 is a year of preparation, a year of consecration, a year of dedication, into My purpose, My will and My plan.
And you will see manifestations of My Spirit, toward the latter end of this year, that you have not seen before. But it will come because of preparation, in the beginning of the year. And you will find as you turn unto Me, you will find out that I have already prepared that place for thee. For there are opportunities, rooms in the spirit, that are presently unoccupied, that you must move into in order for My will to take place and come to pass. And those that stood in these places, of long ago, as you know, that is no longer so.
And in recent times, there have been those that try to take a place, that I did not set them in. They are trying to occupy a place in the spirit that I did not call them in. Because they recognize the void and said somebody must possess it. Somebody must take that place. But in order to move into that place, you’ve got to be called, number one, and then number two, you’ve got to be chosen. So I shall choose whom I please. And usually, to many, they may not agree. But it will be My will and it will be My plan. And the year of 2020 will be blessed supernaturally, by My hand.
And you would say, what about 2021? Are we gonna run? For it is a year that I have designated for My church. It’s a place in the spirit, that I have called My people to. For you see there’s a Promise Land, that belongs unto you. But without the preparation, and dedication, and consecration of 2020, you can’t enter in into 2021. So it will be a time in 2021 of entering in to that fully, that I have for you.
And then you would say, what about 2022? And what’s gonna happen over there? Can we really see that far? It will be a time… 2022, some will become confused, and won’t know what to do. Because they’ll forget how I spoke to them in the year of 2020, in the year of 2021. They will forget it. And they’ll become confused. And some will even forget that I Am the One. But don’t be discouraged, because My coming draweth nigh. Oh God, help us Jesus…
And then what about the year of 2023? Oh my, oh my, thank You Lord Jesus. Oh my, Lord, I thank You for that. In the Name of Jesus, that it will be just like You said it would be Lord. 2023 will be a time of supernatural victory. And even though the heavenly host have gathered around you even in this day. And manifestations of My Spirit will be made available to you in your day. But in the year of 2023, it will be just as common as you see in the Bible. And the things that happened in the Book of Acts, shall come fully into manifestation. And they shall take place. And they shall come to pass. So don’t hold back with reservation. Because all this time is preparation time. All this time is getting ready for that that I have for you. And you are going to begin to get up and run and do those things that I said for you to do. And no, you don’t have to wait, way a far, you can begin right now. And tap into these things that belong to 2023. But it’s according to how you want to seek Me.
But in the normal path of life, as many go, because they run to and fro, in the natural world, caught up in natural things. Presently it seems it will take that long to get them over into spiritual things. 2023, but you don’t have to wait that long. Enoch took his before anybody got theirs. He walked with God and was not, for God took him. So things that I’ve designed and designated even for the future, because it seemed that it would take man that long, can come to you even now. And you can sing a heavenly song. You can enter in to the fullness of that that I have planned even for the future, because it belongs to you now. Because I have ordained these things from the beginning of time. And you know that I have, because I planned for my people to walk in a supernatural way. Because there are things that must take place in this day.
And some, some sitting here tonight… no that’s not it, many, M- A- N- Y, many sitting here tonight, I have spoken to your spirit, and you started out on the journey, and somehow, some, not the many, but some got waylaid along the way. But recently, you made adjustments and you said, ‘I’m going God’s way’. For this season that you are in right now, oh Lord, is a season where I am going to gather you unto Me. Gather you unto Me, not in the sense, of Me coming to take you out of this world, but I will come and visit this world in a supernatural way. Because you’ve been planning for Me to visit you even in this day. And because many have made the decision, that they would hear My voice, that’s why I will visit you in this time and you will find that you made the right choice.
Now Father I thank You for this. And I thank You Lord, even though there’s more out there, I sense that it should not be said at this time. Because Lord, You’re bringing to pass Your plan divine. Because we can only comprehend so much and walk in so much. But You give it to us, here a little, there a little. And Father we thank You for what we have received. Thank You for what You have made known unto us. And now we can believe. So Father I choose to take mine now. I choose to walk in this now. I choose to move forward in Your plan from this very day and move out in this supernatural way. And Father I pray that every person under the sound of My voice, that this blanket of anointing that has come down upon us, in this service, I thank you that it will enhance their lives and I thank You that the gifts and equippings and anointings of God will increase in their lives, in their ministries. And all that they set their hand to will prosper, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.