The reason the world is in the mess that it is in is because the church is in a mess. Whatever way the church goes, so goes the nation. The church has compromised the Word of God in an attempt to reach the world. In doing so, it has lost its power and influence. No, instead of the church influencing the world, the world is influencing the church. In churches today, you see Christians and even ministers dressing and acting like they’re at a rock concert. You see church services that look more like rock concerts than church services. The Holy Ghost is no longer wanted in church. Doctrines of devils are being brought in through seducing spirits. People are being told that they don’t need to repent of their sin. Everything is okay and if you try to preach the Word of God, you are called judgemental, laughed at, and scorned. The world has infiltrated the church. This should not be. God has called the church and every Christian to influence and change the culture of the world.
In this important teaching, Rev. Randall Grier goes through the Bible and explains the importance of the church influencing the culture of the world and what is going on now that the world is influencing the church.