You have to have a foundation of the Word in order to go forward in God. You’re never going to accomplish anything on your own without the Word. If you’re going to get your prayers answered, you have to have a good foundation in the Word of God. The Bible talks about ‘as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.’ But I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about things that you already know in your spirit.
There may be some things that you’ve prayed about, things that belong to you in the Word of God, and you’ve been waiting for God to do them for you. Well, guess what? He’s not going to do it for you.
God is not going to do it for you. I’ll say it again. God is not going to do it for you. Jesus is not going to do it for you. The Holy Ghost is not going to do it for you.
I know you’re close to passing out. You want to know why He’s not going to do it for you? Isn’t that right? That’s the question you want to ask. Why is God, the Holy Ghost, or Jesus not going to do it for you?
Somehow, I knew you were going to ask that question.
Because He’s already done it for us. That’s right. Let it sink in. Everybody in the world is already saved. But if they don’t take advantage of it, they will go to Hell. Every person in the world already has miracles available to them. Jesus doesn’t have to come back and do it again.
He’s already died. He’s already suffered the penalty for us. He’s already been raised from the dead. And He’s already sitting at the right hand of the throne of God. Jesus said, “It is finished.” He completed His work, and He sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. The majority of the body of Christ and the Word of Faith movement are waiting on God to do something that He cannot do.
Why? Because He cannot. He cannot do it because He’s already done it, so now we’re not waiting on God anymore. He’s waiting on us.
The lady with the issue of blood in Mark chapter five—the power of God was available through Jesus Christ. She didn’t sit around and wait for Jesus to come find her and hunt her down. She went to Jesus. She knew where the power was. She knew that she had to do something, and she connected with the power and got healed. She went and took what was already hers.
But guess what? There was a multitude standing around Jesus. And according to the Bible, only one person in the multitude received from God. Why did she receive and they didn’t? Jesus said, ‘daughter, thy faith.’ “Thy faith” means your actions. What you have done has caused this to happen. He didn’t do it. She did it. It was available to her before He died because the power was there.
She took action and took advantage of what belonged to her. We’re waiting on God. And again, there’s a truth to being led by the Spirit of God. But if it’s already yours, it belongs to you. We’re not waiting for God anymore. He’s waiting on us.
Peter said, “Lord, if that be you, bid me come to you on the water.” Jesus didn’t rebuke him or make fun of him. What did he say? He said, “Come.” Get out of that boat. Get out of that place of safety. Step out here and see if I catch you or not. Peter didn’t have any better sense. He hadn’t thought about his inability. He didn’t think about drowning. He stepped out of the boat.
Step out on His Word. You may say that Peter walked on the water. No, he didn’t. Human beings cannot walk on water except further up north, where it’s frozen solid. He didn’t. He walked on c-o-m-e. He walked on one word from God. Just one word.
We are not waiting on God. God is waiting on us. He’s already done what he needs to do. We just have to do our part and see the promises of God in our lives. God is with us!