Satanic oppression has been on the rise since last year and there was a great increase in January 2009, which continues today. Many have encountered this opposition and attacks in all areas of life, spiritually, physically, financially and mentally, etc. This came from an attitude of compromise from the church of Jesus Christ. Many Christians voted in the last presidential election based on emotions and not on what the Bible teaches. Some leaders in the church have given in to the pressure of the world system and decided the Bible doesn’t really mean what it says.
1. Forty percent (40%) of Christians said they don’t believe that Satan is real but he is just symbolic of evil.
2. Fifty eight percent (58%) of Christians said that the Holy Spirit is a symbol of God’s power but that He is not a living present day entity or personality.
3. Twenty two percent (22%) of Christians said that Jesus Christ sinned when He lived on the earth, just like everyone else.
The preaching and teaching of the Bible by ministers form church people’s beliefs. If the minister does not preach on these subjects with chapter and verse from the Bible people will not know the truth. The church has become more image conscious than Bible and God conscious. This comes from a desperate attempt to attract those who could care less about the Lord Jesus or the Bible unless He lets them do what they want, regardless of what the Bible says. The church, as a whole, has changed its beliefs in the Word of God to accommodate this audience. The sad truth is that we have arrived at the mentality of, “Come as you are, and leave as you came.”
The word of God plainly tells us that Satan was defeated and stripped of his authority over the Christian. See, Matthew 16:18-19, Mark 16:17, Luke 10:17-19, Colossians 2:15, James 4:7, 1 Peter 5:8-9. Nowhere in the New Testament is the Christian told to pray for Our Father God or the Lord Jesus Christ to make the devil leave us alone. The Christian is always told to bind the devil in the name and blood of Jesus Christ.
From the statistics above, you can see why Satan is winning. If you don’t believe that the devil exists, then you won’t take authority over him. I encourage you to study the Word of God and act upon it and the devil will leave you as he did Jesus, in Matthew chapter four.
The Lord has used me many times to set people free from demonic powers and has given me much, Biblically balanced, revelation about this Bible subject. Visit my website store for good information that will be a blessing to you. I am praying for my partners and they will overcome all satanic attacks.