You know that we live in a society that doesn’t know how to define certain words, don’t you? But what you might not have known is they got that from the church. For many years now, the church has had a hard time defining what a Christian really is. You can come into a church doing everything Jesus said not to do, and as long as you faithfully attend, some will call you a Christian. That doesn’t agree with the Bible. Jesus defined specifically what a Christian is. It’s written all throughout the Bible. Something else that Jesus defined was what a Disciple is.
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. (John 8:31)
Disciples of Jesus were first called Christians in Antioch. To be a Bible Christian you first must be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Who is a disciple? According to these words of Jesus, it is a person that does not depart from the words of Jesus. The word continue means, does not depart in the above verse. He said, “If you continue in my word, then you are my disciples indeed.” Indeed means truly or most certainly in this verse. That means we don’t have to guess.
You don’t have to wonder what Jesus was saying. You don’t have to take a public opinion poll as to what He said. You don’t need to have a church leadership meeting. Jesus right here had a church leadership meeting of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost and Jesus declared exactly what a Christian is and what a Disciple is.
Jesus Christ defined the qualification to be called a Christian. Any other definition is unbiblical or false doctrine. There is a mindset that thinks what others have said supersedes the words of Jesus. Jesus is The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! His Words have utmost priority over everything else anyone has ever said. It doesn’t matter what preacher or social influencer has said. It doesn’t matter how many followers they may have or how big their ministry is. The head of the church – the Lord Jesus Christ – defined the qualification to be a Christian and anything else is flat wrong.
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3)
The word see above means to perceive or discover. I was not born again until I had an experience with Jesus Christ on my third escape from prison. Prior to that time, I did not understand the Bible. I thought it was a fairytale book somebody wrote trying to make me be good. I didn’t really believe in God, Heaven or Hell.
I laughed, mocked and made fun of Christians. I committed all the sins I could find because I didn’t want to waste any of them. I robbed, cheated, lied, stole and broke all the ten commandments daily – if I could get to them without passing out. The Apostle Paul said he was chiefest among sinners, so I was chief! My how I sinned, going to Hell, because I didn’t know I was on my way to the lake of fire. Many people today believe you can continually do those type things and still go to Heaven. You can if you repent and be born again.
Don’t be deceived by those who would say that you can serve God and walk with the world at the same time. That does not agree with the Bible. If you try that, you will eventually be dragged down, leave the church, and be quickly on your way to Hell. Stay with what the Word of God says, not what the word of man says. Continue in His Word. Don’t depart. God is with us!