Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. – Proverbs 18:21 KJV
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life]. – Proverbs 18:21 AMP
You can have what you say. This is a Biblical Principle. I remember I was in a meeting with Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin back in 1986. I remember how I started saying, “I can’t remember. I don’t remember.” I said it so much that it became a habit. One day the Lord just spoke right up in my spirit. He said, “You know why you can’t remember?” I said, “Well, no, Lord.” He said, “Because you say you can’t.” He said, “My word says in Mark 11:23 whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea, shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe those things which he sayeth shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he sayeth. If you believe it with your heart and say it with your mouth, it’ll come to pass in your life.”
Now, just because you say something a few times, or maybe a hundred times, or several hundred times doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. But if you keep saying something long enough, whether it’s true or false, it’s going to happen. Faith comes by what? Hearing. If you hear it enough you’re going to believe it and it’s going to register on your spirit as the truth and that’s going to be a reality in your life, whether you want it or not.
So the Lord showed me this. I said, “Well, Lord, what do I say then?”
He said, “Just say, it’s coming to me.” You may ask, what if it takes 18 years? It’d be better to take 18 years than it never comes at all. However, once I changed my thinking, things started to change. I still catch myself periodically.
Habits sometimes are hard to change. But when I changed what I said, it was amazing how it would come to me. Instead of saying, “I don’t remember that.” I would tell someone, “It’s coming to me.” Of course, they’d look at me strange. But it came to me.
Because of the way the habit is and the way the culture is, we say, “Well, I don’t remember. I can’t remember. I don’t remember.” If you don’t believe that’s true, just ask Brother Clinton, when they had him on trial. He said, “I don’t remember, I don’t recall.”
I could’ve helped him if they would’ve let me. And the reason I use him, is not to belittle or make fun of him or whatever, it’s just everybody knows about it. It was in the national and international news, and he said, “I did not” and he couldn’t remember. He couldn’t recall.
So, if you want to work on your memory instead of saying, “I can’t remember,” just say, “It’s coming to me.” It’s coming to you. It will come to you. Why? Because you need something up there to work with, that’s what they tell me. You don’t need to be losing your mind, unless you’re going to get the mind of Christ, but I’m telling you, you need something up there to work with.